Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mental Messages: What Do I Want?

I'm not a difficult person.  I'm pretty easy to please.  I want a man by my side.  Let me rephrase that, a real man.  Enough money to take a decent vacation once a year that doesn't involve the words family or in-laws and to save for retirement.  I'd like a nice home and a nice car.  I'd like to go out on my sailboat a few times a month.

#1.  I want a man by my side.

Men wear this question out.  "What do women want?"  Men get hung up on what women want because they can't (or don't want to) be what we want.  We want men to be men.  Now, don't get me wrong, there are some women out there that are just plain out there.  I wouldn't give them two minutes to screw with my head and men shouldn't either.  But in average terms, I think women just want men to be men.  Not physical men, a man.  When you don't deliver, we feel stupid, ashamed or even embarassed for thinking that men might want to be men.

Don't lie to, tease, disrespect, shame, humiliate, embarass, ignore, talk down to, devalue, disappoint or forget about me.  Because of my nature and you are a physical man, my husband or my boyfriend,  I already chose you! I will instinctively think you are strong, confident, wonderful, brave, sexy, smart, good-looking and the apple of everyone's eye.  You are a man, correct?  Wouldn't you love for a woman to think those things about you and have her be right?  Just don't prove me wrong.  So, maybe you are thinking, Wow, that is a tall order.  I don't think it is.  I really don't think it is.  As long as I already think those things, all you have to do is follow through with your part.

You see, none of the things on those list require any extra time, money or should present a challenge to you.  I'm sure you noticed I didn't put in that you have to talk to me.  I've got girlfriends for that.  Besides, you seldom understand where I'm coming from anyway.  All they should represent are you treating me (as your wife or girlfriend) like I am number one in your life.  Like I am a person to be cherished and considered.  If you don't feel that way, then you don't love me and you should move on and I'll get over it.

No dragons to slay here,  not even a lick of rocket science, just good old fashioned respect and honor for someone who instinctively respects and honors you.

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