Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's 1 a.m. -- One down, four to go and six days to do them in.

I'm really feeling the pressure of the hours ticking by.  I've got a lot of reading to do, so I think I'm going to read for a few hours and then sleep so I can start on the next project in the "morning".  Not counting the assignments I haven't turned in.  I still have an A.  I don't know what this one is going to do.  I had to use the tutorial again just to get through it.

I bought some books on reading at a college level for comprehension and retention.  I hope they don't end up being a waste of time and money.  Reading through all the topics in the books was helpful in the long run, but really took up a lot of time, so I'm not so sure it was the best use of what I have left.  I wish I'd not gotten behind, but there really was no stopping it once it began to snowball. 

I recommend setting a pace and sticking to it.  Everyday.  I recommend taking the syllabus and mapping out the readings and assignments and regardless of when they are due, doing a little more than you need to each day.  The more days a week you do school related things, the less you have to do each day.  It just makes sense.  Well, I've got to go read three chapters by morning.

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