Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One One Hundredth at a Time

Well,  I did decide to rethink my goals for running the race in August.  I have decided to try for one one hundredth of a mile more every other day for the month of March.  That is not enough to be running the distance I need to be running, but it is a start and it feels doable.  I'm hoping as I get rolling again, my body will accept the cardio challenge and maybe in April I can add two one hundredths at a time.

Right now it takes me longer to get dressed to use the treadmill than I am actually on it.  That adds a little to the frustration.

I'll report that I started at a maximum of .09 distance at 4.5 mph on the 2nd.  I am now at .15 at 4.5 mph as of this morning.  Even though this pace won't get me to the three miles, this is encouraging.  My goal is one quarter mile (.25), uphill at no slower than 4.5 mph by the end of March.  We'll see if it comes to fruition.  Oh yeah, as a warm up, I am walking an easy pace of about 1.5 for about three minutes before I start the run portion.  I tried to just jump on the treadmill.  I found my legs cramped more when I was done running than with the three minute walk.

I think the book of Proverbs in the Bible says something like the reward is not in starting, it is in finishing.

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