Thursday, March 24, 2011

4 days -- and counting: burned out

I fell asleep in front of my laptop and woke up two and a half hours later.  I think I'll go get something to eat.  With four days left and four assignments left, I have decided to spend exactly one day on each one.  Whatever I have at the end of that day, I will turn in for a grade.  I did a little of the math and a few points here and there is better than one A and three zeros.

So I think I'm going to wipe the sleep out of my eyes, calm down and start counting down the hours.  With what I have left.  If I was to stop turning in work all together, I think I would have a C- which is passing.  I've gotten an A on 75% of the assignments.  So even if I don't turn anything else in, I believe that means I will have a C.

This adventure is almost over.  I am already feeling the relief.

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