The first thing notice is this quote:
" . . . so I've been thinking about that."
All I can say is:
Really? You've been thinking about 'that?'
He then proceeds to offer up his ten cents in the form of a single silver bullet:
"Take divorce off the table."
Really. You are one oblivious man if you think she hasn't thought about it once or twice.
The next offering is our glorious three options:
- be miserable
- work it out and be miserable
- learn to love
As I read the entry my heart broke for my friend. The tears I know she's cried because she's cried them on my shoulder. The loneliness, the bitterness, the abandonment, the thoughtlessness, and resentment she has worked through while I sat and listened without speaking.
He ends the entry with a joking poke at how difficult it must have been to stay with him. Oh ha ha. Laugh. Laugh. It isn't funny.
She hasn't learned to love. She didn't need to. She has always loved. She amazes me.
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