Thursday, September 12, 2013

Can't Help But Compare

OK.  I'll admit I have someone I watch in a jealous, and probably not healthy way.  I read her posts and see how much activity she's doing how her fitness is increasing--or not increasing.  I smile coyly when she laments a day without "exercise" or a week since she's been "to the gym."

Today she posted a her personal victory for the day:

1.5 miles in 15 minutes.

That one stung a little because it's too close to my goal of 7 miles in 70 minutes.  I pride myself in not being competitive, but I am the jealous type.  I sometimes want a do over.  I want to be single and in my twenties and thirties.  Eh, enough whining for today here are my stats.  Definitely no 6 minutes miles here.

Interval: 5 min
Time: 52
Distance: 2.5 miles
Calories: 300
Average Speed: 2.88
No P90X

Not even have the distance and the speed I need.  Bleck.

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