Wednesday, September 25, 2013

IDK . . . Was this a good night?

I did some online research today to try to find a different 10K race and may do one in North Miami in January at Oleta River State Park it's part of the DOWN2EARTH groups of runs.  It's a 10K on trails.  Should be fun.  There doesn't appear to be a time limit like the 7 Mile Bridge Run, but it did say runners needed to be able to "run" the 10K.  I suppose that means I need to not hinder the progress of other runners.

It was a good night for P90X and a good night for running, but not such a good night for eating.  My husband brought home fresh pizza as a leftover from an event he attended.  It really seemed to hit the spot because I at four pieces at 300 calories a piece, that's pretty much my entire day's calories in in one sitting, not to mention I'd already eaten 1,000 calories during the day.  I did a little extra P90X, but I was just too worn out to run any more.

Run I
Time: 26
Interval: 2
Distance: ?
Avg. Speed: ?
Calories: ?

Run II
Time: 60 minutes
Interval: non
Distance: 3.7
Speed: 3.7
Calories: 483
P90X: ALL Ab Ripper X!!
Yoga X: 30 minutes
Kenpo X: 15 minutes

Two exercises on Ab Ripper  I did slight modifications--mason twist and another one I don't understand what he's doing so I turned off the CD and made it into two different exercises.  One the mason twist if I pick up my feet I can't touch the ground, so I left my feet down and did 40 reps.

Kenpo X is so fun.  I wish I had a bag to punch.  I will also be shopping for a few yoga blocks.  I really like P90X and can see it helping my running.  If you can't do it, start like I did.  One minute for one week, two minutes on week two.  Before you know it, you will be adding more than a minute a week and wanting to do more.  The change ups in the workouts really helps with boredom!

I need to change the batteries on my treadmill.

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