I did a little research on the sudden sugar cravings I've been having lately. I think I've been misinterpreting the "sugar" my body is asking for. Apparently it's a good thing for our bodies to crave various things. It's the way it communicates its needs to us. In this case, I need to eat more sugar, but not the kind of sugar I've been translating it to mean. I have to reason my body would not be craving something it can't use. i.e. simple carbs that just burn up in an instant and leave me feeling crappy the rest of the day.
I couldn't do it today because I'm broke until tomorrow, but I'm going to pick up some fruits, nuts, and raw veggies. When my body starts craving fats, I'll eat nuts. When it craves sweets, I'll eat fruit. When it craves energy, I'll eat lean meat and make sure I'm drinking plenty of water. The point is my body needs healthy fuel. When those "knocks and pings" come along it doesn't mean to put in more crappy fuel.
Today's workout was just the usual:
Time: 45 minutes
Distance: 1.56 miles
Calories: 203
Disc: 7 minutes -- #8 and Ab Ripper X
Probably going to stick to walking through until at least Saturday. I'll see how my foot feels Saturday morning.
Just Plain Ol' Journaling
Back To School
Seven Mile Bridge Run
Books and Movies
Mental Messages
The Winter of Our Discontent
Getting to know me
Dirty Food Mud Run
Never On Sunday
Job Hunting
Moral Dilemma
Petty World
Things You Only Tell Your Therapist
Doctor Doctor
Personal Inventory
Is That So Difficult?
Let's Get Organized: Not
Home Wrecker
Down 2 Earth Run
Pet Stuff
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