Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Up In Flames

I don't know what happened tonight.  I was fine all morning.  I did my sprint.  I had a good and healthy lunch, watched a little TV, came back in the computer room, needed to do my P90X for the day and didn't.  In the back of my mind I knew I was going to be alone all day.  I guess I figured I could do it later.  I sat down to study for my A+ and just got angry.  I got angrier and angrier.  Then the cravings started.  Wild crazy cravings for something chocolatey, fattening, sweet, and high calorie.  I resisted for about five minutes.  I went in the kitchen and opened a tub of icing.  Then I ate two spoonfuls.  I went back to the computer for about five minutes, came back out and ate two more.  By the time all was said and done, I ate six big spoonfuls of chocolate icing probably equaling about 900 calories.  I hid the tub in the back of the refrigerator and decided that if my husband found it I would tell him I put the icing on the banana muffins.

You see the idea of binge eating has become foreign to me.  I used to binge on sweets and then feel like I was going to die.  Over the years of improving my diet and exercise, I've learned I can have a small piece of cake or pie every now and then.  I can even keep muffins, cake or pie in the refrigerator and each from it through the weeks.  This has been working great.  A little hundred calorie bite or two of cake or pie and I'm good.  Not this month.  Not this week and not today.  Something has gone terribly wrong.

I had not experienced binge eating in years.  I immediately felt gross and blamed that tub of icing.  What triggered this nonsense?  I don't know.  I only know I felt a consuming heavy cloud of loneliness, sadness and anger--much like when I was a kid.  I'm not tired.   I won't sleep.  I'm going to bed.


Time: 18 minutes
Distance: 1.10
Calories: 143

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