Thursday, August 29, 2013

Plateaus and Platitudes

My weight has hovered around 168 - 173 for five months.  Worse, I haven't really progressed in distance and time for two months.  August is over on Saturday and I still have not conquered the six minute interval.  I want this.  I've got to bust through this.  Yesterday I ended up doing three rounds.  I will do it again today.  I want to run that bridge and I don't want to do it like some old lady.  I want to do it like a runner a true runner.  Here are my stats for today.  It was supposed to be 12, 11, 10.  I got mixed up and did the 10 minute interval after lunch:

Run I
Intervals: 12 min
Distance: 3.41 miles
Time: 90 min
Calories: 443

Run II
Intervals: 10 min
Distance: 3.73 miles
Time: 90 min
Calories: 485 

Intervals: 11 min
Distance: 3.56
Time: 90 min
Calories: 463

P90X and Ab Ripper X: Disc #4 Yoga X 5 -- minutes

I still have a P90X workout to make up for.  I may do that on Sunday.

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