Monday, August 19, 2013

The Disappointment of Rejection: Our Amazing Brains

It is so surprising how it only takes 48 hours for our minds to create a reality for us out of an idea.  That's the way it was with this job.  I read about it on Saturday morning and by this morning I was creating scenarios for the new car I would "have" to buy in order to commute.  I was thinking about keeping up my night owl regime so I didn't get out of practice being up all night.  (The job is third shift)  I almost bought a pair of shoes I thought might make me seem more serious about the position.  Sensible, practical shoes.  I didn't buy them.  Now I am thankful.

The job was 30 minutes each way.  I'm pretty sure my application didn't clear the front desk.  It was a strange experience.  I'd heard that companies had a rigorous screening process, but I'd never experienced screening right there in front of me with other people standing around.  It was kind of humiliating while at the same time I felt cheated out of the opportunity to show them I could learn and do.

I was also told in so many words my experience was useless.  "She" could do what I had experience in.  Without looking at the fact I had a degree in Information Technology Information Security.  She turned her nose up at me and insisted I be able to monitor their systems and troubleshoot.  Hmmm.  Very interesting.  Whatever.

I asked her about a term I'd never experienced and tried to research and still could not find.  She said that those that knew how to do that particular thing would know what it was.  Again.  She failed to hear me tell her I knew what the word was, I'd just never heard it used in that context.

I also found out that someone who makes pretty good money and has made a pretty nice little niche for themselves in the company they work for, got started simply because she was bilingual.  That on the coat tails of being told my experience and education didn't fit their narrow criteria.  Suppose I should have been bilingual.  That would have gotten me right in the door.

I'm supposed to resume running tonight.  I'm not going to.  I'm bummed.  I'm going to bed.

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