Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I have been doing two things since I started back running again.  I drink a glass of orange juice before I run and after I run I drink a protein drink.  It's a Bolthouse Farms Protein drink either the Mango or the Coffee.  It seems to be fixing that emptied out feeling I've been having able two thirds through my runs.  Beat yesterday's time by a whole minute tonight!

I didn't beat the old record of 86 minutes on the first round, but I made it to 80--sort of a new old record.  I started the week with a first round of 72 minutes.  That means I'm averaging a shave each day of two minutes.  I also beat my overall time to 800 with a new record of 133 minutes.

174.8 Pounds this morning!  That's five pounds down from that scary place I was on Sunday (179+).  Had to have been water weight from my period.  Phew.  My goal for this next year is another 50 pounds.  Wouldn't 125 pounds be cute on my 5'4" figure?  I'd be una chica caliente.

Overall time to 800: 133 min
First round: 80
Incline: 7
Distance: 6.16 miles
P90X: 2 minutes

I need to add ten minutes to my first round before I can start counting down to switching to five minutes.  I added two minutes to yesterday, so maybe I will finally beat the six minute intervals by Tuesday next week.  Then I have to do six days beating it before I can progress to five minute intervals.  It may seem a little confusing, but not to me and that's what matters.

I also did two minutes of disc 9 and Ab Ripper X.  My legs were kind of tired for all those jumping jacks.  Uggh.  Two minutes of Ab Ripper is about all I can do.  Going out for dinner on Saturday.  I was hoping the whole Ab thing would begin to show, but it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference only 8 days into the new regime.

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