Monday, August 5, 2013

Movin Up!

Tonight I moved up a minute on the P90X discs to two minutes.  I did number 7 which was thankfully X Stretch and felt s-o-o-o good!  Ab Ripper added the backward bicycle and a few of the frogs.  I was really feeling it on the sides for some reason.  I'll take that.  My run was not very successful, but I'm forgiving myself on days when I just don't feel like it.  I've got time.  At least I'm up and moving, right?

My weight was 176 this morning.  Having been at 178 or so yesterday, I'm hoping this is water still hanging around from all the junk food.  I had a pancake for breakfast yesterday and three pancakes for breakfast on Saturday.  I also went out for lunch.  Need to concentrate on eating the right things for running.

I made it a whopping 4.79 miles and burned 623 calories tonight.  Not the best, but I ran and added 2 minutes to my first round (74 minutes).

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