Monday, August 26, 2013

Great Day!

Today was a great work out day.  I did my supplemental sprint, P90X, and made it 4.21 miles.  Here are my stats:

Time: 80 min
Distance: 4.21
Calories: 548


Time: 16
Distance: .91
Calories: 118

P90 X and Ab Ripper X: 5 minutes

I found out today my treadmill has 23 intervals from start to seven miles per hour.  I also looked up some stats from last years race and saw some six and seven minute paces in my age group.  Not unreasonable.  My strategy is to be running seven miles an hour by race day.  I'd also like to be able to run eight miles so the seven for the race won't seem like a big deal.  These are lofty goals.  If I don't aim high, I won't aim anywhere.

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