Saturday, June 1, 2013

I Ran! I Ran!

Tonight I ran, or rather, jogged about a mile or so.  If it was more, it wasn't much.  In my mind I had my fingers crossed.  It felt scary because I didn't know if I was trying to do too much too soon.  Well, that was about five minutes ago.  I don't feel any tightness creeping in.  No soreness or extra sloppiness.  Maybe this is it?  If my knees are sore in the morning I will know it was to soon.

Weight: 174.6  -2 lbs.

Duration: 90
Interval: 6/10
Incline: 1/level
Calories: 461?
Distance: 3.54?
Average Speed: 2.36 mph?

I put question marks on the last three because this seems like a big jump from last night.  80 more calories and more than a half mile further.  Maybe I need to change the battery.  I know that when the battery is weak, it gives out strange readings.  If it is right, it means I am almost half way there.  I need seven miles and at least  5 mph.

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