Friday, June 14, 2013

Still Feeling Run Down -- New Stat Sheet

I tried to consume a few extra calories today in case I had over done it on Wednesday.  I am determined not to skip another day, so I cut back my intervals to seven.  I also made a new stat sheet.  The other one was getting confusing on the page.  I was five days trying to get through the six minute interval mission.  The check marks were inconsistent, so I was forgetting my clicks.  Anyway.  I switched to a graph paper type log I put the seven minute intervals down the left and worked down the boxes from top to bottom.  I only made it to 56 minutes.  Something is definitely up, but this happens, so I am going to push through.  My short term goal is still the 500 calories and 90 minutes, but I'm treating it as a "whichever comes last" kind of thing.

Duration: 113 minutes
Interval: 7
Incline: 14/level
Calories: 500
Distance:  ??

I forgot to write down how far I went so I don't know my average speed either.  This is really slow.  I hope this slump doesn't last.  At this rate I will never make it to the seven miles goal I set for myself.  Tomorrow night's goal is 63 minutes. 

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