Sunday, June 30, 2013

Last Night

Well, I made it.  I promised myself seven days of seven intervals and I did it.  I missed some days, should have been done two days ago, but I made it.  Tomorrow starts six minute intervals.  My goal is to work up to the 90 minute workout then complete it seven days in a row.  This is amazing on July 1 I will start a new workout.  I wonder how long it will take me to build up?  I excited!

Duration: 94/90
Interval: 7
incline: 30/level
Calories: 600
Average Speed: 3.07

Not as eventful a run as last time.  I did, however, run for two minutes at 5 mph at the end of the workout.  I had already jogged for about a half hour and I clicked it up one more notch and ran 5.1 mph for two minutes.  The plan for tomorrow is to make it 78 minutes.

Friday, June 28, 2013

One More Day

I can't believe I wasn't going to run tonight.  I got done with my homework very late and decided, what the heck?  I ran after midnight!  I was just going to take it easy and walk the 600 calories if needed.  I ended up having the best night since I started back after the injury.  Look at these impressive stats.

Duration: 90
Interval: 7
Incline: 20/level
Distance: 4.72
Calories: 615
Average Speed:  3.15 mph

Not sure what was going on there.  I ran for a full minute without holding on at 5.2 mph, then walked it out for about five minutes and ended up with 4.8+ miles at 95 minutes!  Best thing I can figure is I might have accidentally gone up two clicks at some point instead of one.  Just shows I can do it.

The disclaimer is I was worn out early in the workout so I had to hold on a little, but comparatively speaking I might have held on for maybe six to eight minutes of the full 90 minutes.  One more day and I am ready to graduate to SIX MINUTES!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sitting In a Vehicle All Day

I didn't have time to run today.  Well, that's not completely true, I probably could have run but I took the in-laws to the airport.  Left at 9:30 this morning and didn't get home until 4:30.  Went to Ruby Tuesday's.  Really bad headache came on about 5:00 and never really went away.

However, I had the Gumbo which was listed as "new" on the menu.  I really liked it.  It was an excellent amount of heat and spices.  On the other hand, the Perkin's country fried steak I had on the way to the airport left more than a little to be desired.  It kind of tasted like school cafeteria food.  Isn't that interesting.  Both ends of the spectrum today.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day Five

A good night.  For some reason, I cut eight minutes off my time?  I'll take it.

Duration: 92/90
Interval: 7
Incline: 7/level
Distance: 4.61

Calories: 600
Average Speed: 3.07 mph

Broke back through the three mph barrier tonight.  Next goal is 4 mph.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fourth Day

This was my fourth out of seven times to successfully run the seven minute intervals.  It was still a challenge, but the psychology behind have already done it before is very helpful.

Duration: 100
Run Time: 90
Incline: 25/level
Interval: 7
Distance: 4.63
Calories: 600
Average Speed: 2.778

This is my halfway mark.  Three more times and I get to progress to six minute.  I need to look and see what the record was for six minutes.  I think it was something like 82 or 85 minutes.  If I do this right I could be on six minute intervals by Saturday.

Monday, June 24, 2013

A Matter of Opinion

I got a grade back from a facilitator last night.  88.5.  He plastered the first two pages of the paper with all kinds of comments and opinions I didn't agree with, then he didn't write anything else.  His last comment on the last last page was that the paper was "rough"but headed in the right direction.

I'm over it.  I had anther facilitator that graded me hard on my papers and I agreed with him.  My writing improved over the semester and I liked the challenge.  However, I'm not so sure that most of what this guy wrote wasn't anything more than opinion.  There wasn't anything hugely grammatical wrong with the paper.  He marked me off on some passive stuff I agree with, but at the same time, he had negative comments on some wording that the proofreader suggested.  I sat there for a few minutes after I'd read through the critique and saw I had a medium-high B.  There was this "What?."  Kind of word in my head.  Complete with both a period and a question mark because I knew but I didn't know, believed but didn't.

The problem with getting this kind of feedback is I'm not challenged to improve like last time, I just start wishing it was over sooner.  Oh well, only seven weeks left.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day Three! Four Days To Go

I'm agreeing with my plan to stick to the seven minutes interval. Even thought I didn't run yesterday, it felt like it might have been a little easier.  I'm hoping by Thursday I'll be itching to run faster and farther!

Duration: 100
Run: 90
Interval: 7
Distance: 4.62
Calories: 600
Incline: 23/level
Average Speed: 2.77

I lost 1/10 of a mile in speed from the 21st.  Does that mean it will take ten days to lose one mile per hour?  Makes sense.  My then, I will be well into six minutes intervals, so maybe that will make up for it.  What I am looking for right now is feeling the seven minute interval get easier.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Under His Breath

I love the things people say "under their breath."  Those things they want to say and want you to hear, but they are too afraid or they know it's wrong.  That mumbling from the kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom you know you heard and you know what you heard.  You weren't supposed to hear it, but you did, so you pretend you didn't, but now you know.  If they knew you knew, it would be really bad for a while maybe a day, maybe a week.

I think a lot of things a person says under their breath stems from some sense of unfairness.  He did that, she did that--or didn't.  He always does that, she always does that.  So while he's in the kitchen, unloading the dishwasher because he's convinced he does it "all the time" or he ends up having to do "everything around here"  while she sits in front of the computer.  Maybe as he was walking over to clean after dinner he was hoping the dishwasher was emptied.  Maybe just maybe . . .

It doesn't matter that nine times out of ten it is empty.  And that there are many days of the week I empty run the dishwasher during the day.  What matters is that moment, that right now that seems like all the time.

Why say anything?  Because what you are saying under your breath sounds silly enough or trivial enough or immature enough.  Maybe it will start World War III.  Who knows?

My mom was one to do that.  She'd mutter, fuss, and mumble.  Talk to the walls in the kitchen out of frustration about God only knows what.  I'm not a mumbler, mutterer, or fusser.  I know what I know.  I know that life isn't fair.  Nobody cares as much about you as you do.  People, even our families, will use us if you let them.  If I choose not to say anything, it's my fault, not theirs.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Done! Five More Times To Go

Day two of completing seven minutes intervals.  Knowing I'd already done it twice before, yesterday and before I hurt myself made it seem a little easier.  I was still sweaty and tired, but I made it without feeling like I might pass out.

Duration: 99
Run: 90
Interval: 7
Incline: 21/level
Calories: 600
Distance: 4.61
Average Speed: 2.79 mph

Still increasing the incline.  It seems to be slowing down the average speed.  I'll see what tomorrow looks like.  It may just have to be one of those tradeoffs in getting the 600 calories.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Repeat Performance

Tonight I re-mastered the seven minute interval and made 600 calories.  As I already decided, I'm going to do that for seven nights before I move on to the six minutes intervals.  This is a slow process.  I hope my treadmill holds out.  Last night, I began to fear it might give out before I am able to meet my seven mile goal.

Duration: 97
Run: 90
Distance: 4.63
Calories: 600
Incline: 20/level
Average speed: 2.86 mph

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Movie: Take Me Home

I watched a very good movie today.  Thumbs up all around.  It was a so called "Indie Flick."  Take Me Home.  It was under the "Feel Good Movies" section on Netflix.  I was home alone with no guys around to tease me for having feelings, so I clicked on it and was sucked in immediately.  The end is predictable and surprising.  Sam Jaegar directed and starred in it.  He plays the cab driver and surprise, surprise, his wife Amber Jaegar plays the costar.  What a sweet little movie to enjoy on an afternoon alone away from men.

Another Good Run

Hopefully I am over another psychological hump.  This time I didn't give up.  I just cut back, ran a little slower, and waited to want to be challenged again.  I knew I was ready to be challenged when I wanted to run farther than I planned.  I decided to quit at the point I had planned so I would be ready for tomorrow.  I'm sticking to my goal to successfully run the seven minutes interval for seven days.

Weight:  Forgot to weigh

Duration: 84/90
Interval: 7
Incline: 19/level
Calories: 520
Distance: 4.00 EXACTLY!
Average Speed: 2.67 mph

I've decided to work up to scheduling a 550 calorie run for mini-goal.  When I reach that, I will walk off the extra 50 to make 600.  Hope that makes sense.  I had a good day.  Did a little more of nothing today and felt a little relief from that oppressive feeling I've been experiencing for days.  I didn't feel as drugged today, so I didn't take a nap.  I need to start tracking when I feel the way I felt for the last four or five days to see if it's cyclical.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Up All Night

I was up until 3:00 this morning working on my paper for the week.  It was 1400 words long.  I wanted it to be perfect, but I ran out of time.  I'm going to stay in bed tomorrow until I get my eight hours.  I've been so tired.  Officially eight weeks left of school and I will have my degree after 18 years.

A Good Run

Well, it wasn't the six minute record from a few weeks ago, but I ran and clocked in my 500 calories.  I haven't been doing my trilogy workout.  I hope to get back to that tomorrow.  That run down feeling is not going away.  I've tried eating more, sleeping more, and every other combination I can think of.  I got eight hours last night and a nap.  I just feel like I could sleep forever at any moment.  Yesterday I slept deep enough in an hour to dream.

Weight: 174.6

Duration: 97
Incline: 18/level
Interval: 7
Distance: 3.85
Calories: 500
Average Speed: 2.38 mph

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Still Dragging -- Digging In

I still feel wiped out.  I'm determined if anything.  I did make it the 63 minutes tonight.  I feel weird to not even be sweating during the workout.  I also miss the gym.  Can't wait to get back to that.  Well, here are tonight's stats:

Duration: 105
Interval: 7
Incline: 15/level
Calories: 500
Distance: 3.85
Average Speed: 2.2

I have also decided that when I beat the seven minute intervals this time, I will beat it seven days in a row before I will move to six minute intervals.  It's possible I was trying to move up too soon.  I don't know.  I'm willing to do anything at this point.  Right now, beating six minute intervals is the brass ring.  To do that, I have to beat seven minutes and go into six minutes stronger than I was.

The Seven Mile Bridge run is now 10 months away.  I have eight months to be ready.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Still Feeling Run Down -- New Stat Sheet

I tried to consume a few extra calories today in case I had over done it on Wednesday.  I am determined not to skip another day, so I cut back my intervals to seven.  I also made a new stat sheet.  The other one was getting confusing on the page.  I was five days trying to get through the six minute interval mission.  The check marks were inconsistent, so I was forgetting my clicks.  Anyway.  I switched to a graph paper type log I put the seven minute intervals down the left and worked down the boxes from top to bottom.  I only made it to 56 minutes.  Something is definitely up, but this happens, so I am going to push through.  My short term goal is still the 500 calories and 90 minutes, but I'm treating it as a "whichever comes last" kind of thing.

Duration: 113 minutes
Interval: 7
Incline: 14/level
Calories: 500
Distance:  ??

I forgot to write down how far I went so I don't know my average speed either.  This is really slow.  I hope this slump doesn't last.  At this rate I will never make it to the seven miles goal I set for myself.  Tomorrow night's goal is 63 minutes. 

Buy It Now -- Or Best Offer

Yesterday I was able to post a bunch of my stuff for free using a Buy It Now and a Best Offer option.  I posted the item with the Buy It Now I had originally posted and allowed an automatic acceptance of the opening bid amount.  Make sense?  For example:  Let's say last week I had a shirt up for $10 opening bid and a Buy it Now of $13.  It was going to cost another 30 cents to post it.  Creeping my fees up to 90 cents.  I went in and chose "fixed price" for $13 accepted a "best offer" of $10 for FREE.  I probably saved myself somewhere around $20 which may not seem like a lot, but when my profits are down to a dollar here and there, $20 is a lot.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Off Time

Did not feel like running tonight.  I'll give myself the night off because I did so good for two nights in a row.  Feeling more tired than anything.  No muscle soreness and no real true knee pain.  Some popping, and very little looseness.  Just gonna chill.

Liar Liar

Watched Liar Liar with Jim Carrey and Maura Tierney tonight.  It had been a very long time since I'd seen it.  What a excellent feel good movie.  I always thought Maura Tierney was pretty and Justin Cooper, the son, was so cute.  I tried to look up Justin Cooper to see what he looks like now and couldn't find an up to date picture that was clearly him.  There are a few "Justin Coopers" out there, and imdb is not up to date on a photo of him either.  That one looks like it may go down as an unsolved mystery.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pizza or Pasta -- It Doesn't Matter, Why Lie?

Here's another one of those stories.  I asked my husband if he wanted dinner before he went to do the youth program at church.  He said no, he wanted to eat when he got home.  I said I'd make him a grilled cheese sandwich snack for him before he left.  He had about 30 or 40 minutes between when I got home and when he was going to leave.  I decided to wait until he got home to put the sandwich on the grill.

When he got home I asked him if he still wanted the sandwich.  He said no and told us to go ahead and eat leftover pasta, he'd eat when he got home which struck me as a little strange.  Why would he tell us to go ahead and eat?  He went to get ready to go.  He sat down on the couch and I asked him if he'd talked to the Education Director about getting pizza for the kids.  The Education Director was new.  He told me he'd already taken care of it.  I figured out he was planning on having pizza and that was why he told us to go ahead and eat.  I said something to that affect.  I wondered why he just didn't say that from the beginning.  Why did he have to play the martyr and tell us we could eat "without" him.  Why couldn't he have said, "The kids are having pizza tonight, you guys go ahead and eat.  If I'm still hungry when I get home I'll eat."  So I pressed him and he tried to tell me he was expecting to come through the door and see a grilled cheese sandwich, but that really didn't have anything to do with it, either.  I had plenty of time to make him a grilled cheese sandwich before he left.  This is the kind of thing that doesn't really matter, but at the same time, why lie?

Another New Record

I am feeling strong tonight.  I made it 82 minutes on the six minute intervals.  I walked out the remainder in two intervals to 84 and then 90.

Trilogy count: 43!

Duration: 82/90
Intervals: 6
Incline: 12/level
Calories: 537
Miles: 4.14
Average Speed: 3.03

I need to be averaging five miles per hour, so I am more than half way there.  Not sure what this is about, but I weight 178.6 pounds this morning.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New Record

I made it 81 minutes using the six minute intervals!  This is better than anything I did before I messed up my knees.  I was determined.  I stayed with it and made a new record for myself.  I walked out the last nine minutes in two intervals up to 84 then up to 90.  I feel encouraged and strong.

Duration: 81/90
Intervals: 6
Calories: 528
Miles: 4.05
Average Speed: 3

Monday, June 10, 2013


I thought about something really frustrating.  So far, and I'm sure it's low because I probably didn't catch all the fees, I have spend $68.75 on "advertising" that I have not gotten paid back for by selling the item.  What if that item never sells?  What if I wanted to walk away from the whole thing tomorrow?  I am out $68.75.  I have probably spent $300 dollars advertising for the catamarans.  All my profits from eBay sales have gone into selling those boats.  I am so angry for ever buying it and thinking my husband would do something with me I wanted to do.  I'm not just angry.  I'm the kind of angry that makes a person ill.  Physically ill.  I don't know what to do.  I really, really don't know what to do.  I frustrated, I'm tired, there's never enough money.  No matter how many times I leave the lights off, turn the air conditioner up, don't flush the toilet, skip meals, don't shower, stay home, scrimp, save, do without.  Oh my God.  I just want to run away.  I want to run out the door and never, never come back.  I want to run and run and run and run away never looking back.

I guess I thought selling my stuff on eBay was the answer the way it is for other people.  Maybe I'd make a couple bucks.  Not when you spend it all on advertising a boat.  I feel like throwing up.  The problem with all of this is I've got nothing left.  I'm dried up.  There's nothing there.  I'm done.  There's no relief from the constant pressure of there not being enough.  I want out.  I want it to be over.  I don't care.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Trilogy, Breakfast Out, and Pouting Babies

Tonight I did my situps, squats, and pushups only.  40 each!  My skin is burning a little where my butt bone is, I guess that means I shouldn't have tried to do so many with my yoga pad.  I had to break the pushups into four sets of 10.  That felt a little like quitting, but at least I did them.

Today I went with what I wanted to do and went out to breakfast with friends instead of going with my husband where he wanted to go.  I think he was still mad about it something like eight hours later.  At least I think that's what he was angry about.  He sulked and sulked the whole afternoon.  I gave him the opportunity to tell me what he was made about like I always do when I know he's angry.  I tell him I'm only going to ask him once to tell me if he's angry or what he's angry about.  When he refuses, I move on.  We're not babies.  If he wants to sulk and be angry, fine with me.  If he wants to talk about it and get it out in the open and work it out, I'm up for that to.  I went on about my evening.  Let him be whatever he said he wasn't.

I would like to know what his parents did with him when he got in these sulky baby moods.  Did they cater to him?  I'm not going to do it.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

72 Mintues on 6 Intervals

It is finally starting to look like the old days.  I forgot to do my trilogy--situps, squats, and pushups.  However, I made it 72 minutes on the 6 minutes intervals.  That's exactly what I did the first time on 6 on May 2, that means I am five weeks behind in my workout.

Duration: 72/90
Interval: 6
Incline: 8/level
Distance: 3.42
Calories: 445
Average Speed: 2.85

It was a bit of a set back to only make it 3.42 miles.  The six minute intervals get fast very--well, fast.  I was running over 4.5 mph before I dropped out and walked.  Still a good run overall.  Tomorrow is Sunday, I will take a break and see what Monday holds.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Better Night for Running

I made it t he full 90 minutes tonight using the seven minute intervals.  I was starting to feel it in my knees but I was able to push through.  Hopefully I will not feel it tomorrow.

Duration: 90
Intervals: 7
Incline: 7/level
Calories: 580
Miles: 4.45
Average Speed: 2.97 mph

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Four Pounds Down This Week


Woo Hoo!  I was so glad after having such a crappy night last night I am three pounds down.  I've got five more to go until I am back where I was when I ran my last race.  I did not run tonight as I predicted.  I also did not do the situps, pushups, and squats.  I had time this morning, but chose not to.  That is not the way to get stronger.  I stopped at Wendy's on the way out of town.  That usually means my weight will not be good in the morning.

My son is here.  He has been working out and has some great new suggestions for me for changing up my exercise routines.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One Hour Photo

I don't know why I liked this movie.  Even better, I don't know why I was willing to sit through this for two hours on TV--complete with commercials.  Perhaps it was because I was sitting in my living room with my laptop on my lap trying to find images of the Yorkin family house during the commercials.  Somehow I liked this movie.  I don't want to spoil this movie for anyone, but it's a perfect rainy mid-week afternoon thriller.  For a reason I can't get in touch with, I give this movie two thumbs up.  Find it and watch it.  Just don't expect to feel anything but a sense of inner loss for some of the deep inner truths it reveals about families and spouses.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Not a Good Night--or Day for that Matter

I made it 77 minutes before I gave up.  I wasn't tired physically.  I probably could have made it the full 90 minutes.  My mind is tired and it makes me tired.

35 situps, pushups and squats

Weight: 174.2

Duration: 77/90
Interval: 13/7
Incline: 4/level
Calories: 488
Distance: 3.75

I have to pick my son up from the airport tomorrow.  Four hours round trip.  I can already predict there will be no exercises

Monday, June 3, 2013

Taking the Cake

This takes the cake.  I got a very helpful e-mail from someone I sold a shirt to on eBay.  She had some helpful  advice.  1st Class Package.  Anything up to 13 ounces ships for next to nothing.   Well, not literally next to nothing, but two and three dollars compared to $5.50.  I did a little approximation and that little mistake probably cost me NO LESS than $60 just on the clothes I've sold.

I've been choosing Parcel Post and Priority Mail.  So there's my tip of the century.  If you have something light to ship, make sure you check out:

1st Class Package for 13 ounces and less.  The combined circumference of the package has to be 84 inches or less.

Back in the Swing: 4 miles tonight!

Well, it looks like I've broken through.  I had a little discomfort in my knees about an hour into the workout, but it seemed to go away with a little self talk.

Weight: 174.2

Duration: 90
Interval: 12/8
Incline: 3/level
Calories: 536
Calories for seven days: 2837
Distance: 4.12
Average Speed: 2.74

My posts may get a little boring for a while as I focus on just getting faster and going further.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I Was Nervous But I Made It

Tonight went well.  I was scared I might be pushing too hard too soon.  Doesn't seem like it.  I don't know if I need to change the battery in my treadmill or not.  Seems to be fairly accurate to what I did last night.  I guess I'll give it another chance.  Started to run enough tonight that some sweat popped out on my face and it felt good.  I did not do pushup, situps or squats today or yesterday.  Should have been at 33, so tomorrow starts with 34.  Awesome.

I am almost burning the 3500 calories a week that were my first goal.  5250 is my medium goal.    I'm actually looking for 7000 a week, but we'll have to wait for that for when I get into the five mile per hour range.  I'll register for the race when I can run the seven miles in 90 minutes, but my overall goal is going to be 70 minutes.  That's seven 10 minute miles for those of you that aren't real good at math.  Quite a lofty aspiration, but I've got until April 2014.  By then I just may have nothing to prove and won't need to run the bridge.

Weight: 174.6

Duration: 90
Interval: 9/9
Incline: 2/Level
Calories: 491
Distance: 3.78
Average Speed: 2.52

This is the halfway point.  Not turning back now.

I'm supposed to be starting back at the gym tomorrow but we seemed to have spent my money.  I'm disappointed.

A Little Less Angry

I went back to my bank statements and discovered where I had made the transfers and where they had taken out my fees.  I'm still a little frustrated that it's so difficult.  I need to get out a calculator and figure up what I think is my profit based on that.  Wouldn't that be the true proof.  Here are your expenses, here is your income.  I should be somewhere around $340 according my painstaking record keeping, but I don't think it's going to turn out to be that much.  However, it may be more than $40 I thought yesterday.  I'm not going to be un-disappointed because I even figured in the packaging when I made up my figures.  I have to be missing something.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Who Should I Be Angry At?

Two or three months ago I started selling my stuff on eBay.  I thought it would be a way to make a little money to help out our shortfall.  What a crock.   I'm so frustrated today I can't see straight.   I transferred a whopping $160 from my paypal account--just like last month.  Left $40 in there for this months postings.  Today my fees from eBay were $150.  WTH.

.30 to eBay
.30 to PayPal
.029% to PayPal
.09 % to eBay
Stupid people that don't read descriptions and look at photos

I still can't tell if I'm making money!  I have watched over each sale like a hawk making sure I keep a cushion and the more I look at it, at best, I think I'm breaking pretty close to even.  It's a lot of work for what looks like $40 for the last three months.  I can't find ANYwhere on eBay that tells me this is what your profits are.  Totally disappointed right now.  I thought this would be a way to make a little money.  However, once I'm not tied to eBay with all their little nit picking fees, I'm totally thinking about not doing business with eBay as a seller or a buyer.  Grrr.

I Ran! I Ran!

Tonight I ran, or rather, jogged about a mile or so.  If it was more, it wasn't much.  In my mind I had my fingers crossed.  It felt scary because I didn't know if I was trying to do too much too soon.  Well, that was about five minutes ago.  I don't feel any tightness creeping in.  No soreness or extra sloppiness.  Maybe this is it?  If my knees are sore in the morning I will know it was to soon.

Weight: 174.6  -2 lbs.

Duration: 90
Interval: 6/10
Incline: 1/level
Calories: 461?
Distance: 3.54?
Average Speed: 2.36 mph?

I put question marks on the last three because this seems like a big jump from last night.  80 more calories and more than a half mile further.  Maybe I need to change the battery.  I know that when the battery is weak, it gives out strange readings.  If it is right, it means I am almost half way there.  I need seven miles and at least  5 mph.