Monday, July 29, 2013

Thinkin' About P90X

I did not get back to running on the 25th as I had written.  This last class has been very time consuming.  It's not difficult, but learning a new language comes with a lot of practice.  In addition, it's been tough to recover from a few all nighters  I had trying to get those skirts sewn for the dance troupe. 

After I wrote the journal entry Maybe She's Not That Into You.  I realized it was eating at me a little, all the cutesy posts between her and her new buddies.  I suppose I should say "new" buddies.  They're the ones she had all along while I was her "project."  I was her project.  The one she was trying to fix.  Oh well.  It was eating at me a little.  I decided to turn it into action.  I'm going back to P90X, but as with everything else, I'm taking it at my own pace.  I'm doing the minute thing with it as well.  Today I did exactly one minute of disc 1 and Ab Ripper X.  You can do that thing with you tongue, or suck your teeth, or hiss.  This is what works for me.  Tomorrow I will do one minute of disc 2 and Ab Ripper X.  When I've made it through all the discs I will step it up to two minutes through all the discs.  If you want to make fun of me do it on your own time.

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