Friday, July 26, 2013

No More eBay Selling For Me

I wanted to try another round of selling items on eBay with the new billing cycle and my first free 50, but when I was cleaning up a room today and vacuuming around the bins of clothes and piles of books that didn't sell for pennies more than shipping I realized this is going to be another one of my fails.  Epic fail because I tried to make money on eBay for months.  To this day, I'm not so sure I made more than maybe a couple hundred bucks and that's generous.  Not much more than I would have made on a single afternoon hosting a garage sale.  I will not be encouraging anyone that asks me about the experience to try the process.  I kept meticulous records, followed my sales and what I ended up with was a fiasco of fees and shipping and crap laying around my house for months and months.

As I box up the left over things to take to a charity, I realize that eBay is not what it used to be.  Maybe it never was?  As I said in a previous post, it's high volume, low profit margin.  Unless and that a big unless you have that one item that sells for a crazy amount, You'd be better off to just tote the junk to a charity event and let someone else fool with it.

Anyone that is making five figures on eBay is doing six figure transactions and has a full time staff.  This is not the miracle wage earner that some would like to make us believe it is. 

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