I wanted to try another round of selling items on eBay with the new billing cycle and my first free 50, but when I was cleaning up a room today and vacuuming around the bins of clothes and piles of books that didn't sell for pennies more than shipping I realized this is going to be another one of my fails. Epic fail because I tried to make money on eBay for months. To this day, I'm not so sure I made more than maybe a couple hundred bucks and that's generous. Not much more than I would have made on a single afternoon hosting a garage sale. I will not be encouraging anyone that asks me about the experience to try the process. I kept meticulous records, followed my sales and what I ended up with was a fiasco of fees and shipping and crap laying around my house for months and months.
As I box up the left over things to take to a charity, I realize that eBay is not what it used to be. Maybe it never was? As I said in a previous post, it's high volume, low profit margin. Unless and that a big unless you have that one item that sells for a crazy amount, You'd be better off to just tote the junk to a charity event and let someone else fool with it.
Anyone that is making five figures on eBay is doing six figure transactions and has a full time staff. This is not the miracle wage earner that some would like to make us believe it is.
Just Plain Ol' Journaling
Back To School
Seven Mile Bridge Run
Books and Movies
Mental Messages
The Winter of Our Discontent
Getting to know me
Dirty Food Mud Run
Never On Sunday
Job Hunting
Moral Dilemma
Petty World
Things You Only Tell Your Therapist
Doctor Doctor
Personal Inventory
Is That So Difficult?
Let's Get Organized: Not
Home Wrecker
Down 2 Earth Run
Pet Stuff
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