Monday, July 15, 2013

Six Minutes -- Day 6

I came across a post from last month.  I was having a hard time so I let myself off the hook for three day.  I increased my speed until my mind told me it was tired and I stopped.  I walked it out and let it go.  It took three days to get over that hump.  Four days later, I was smashin' it and finished  the seven day promise.  That's what I'm doing here.  It took two days this time.  I had a day of 30 minutes and just plain quitting and sitting and crying about it, then I had a second day of making it to 39 minutes before I walked it out.  It took me two hours and ten minutes to get my 700 calories yesterday.  Today, I was back on track.  I could feel it when I got to the 42 minutes I promised myself.  I told myself just 42 minutes.  Three more minutes than  yesterday.  When I got to the 42 minute mark I decided to go to the incline mark.  Well, that was all I needed.  I was half way done with the workout so I stuck with it and went the full 90.

Weight: 171.6 Three more pounds and I am down to my Dirty Foot Race weight

Duration: 90
Run time: 70
Incline: 47/level
Calories 540
Distance: 4.16
Average speed: 2.77

It took me 116 minutes to get to 700 calories.  No huge feat but it represent five days of 700 calories.  ONE POUND burned! 

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