Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ebay Debaucle Continues

Here's another tip for aspiring eBay sellers.  The statement dates are basically the 15th to the 15th and advertising months are considered 1 - 30th or 31st, adding a an additional layer of fog to the eBay selling process.  I purposefully posted only 50 items this month beginning July 3.  Those 50 items were over by July 10.  I sold one pair of pants for $13.  Those 50 items were listed "free" of charge.  My statement for the June 15 - July 15 is $5.60.

Because I already posted my "free" 50 items on July 1, so get in sync with the billing cycle, I believe that means I can't post again until August 15.  Why?  Even thought August 1 begins a new month and means I can post 50 items "free" it also means it will be on this billing statement that began four days ago.


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