Sunday, July 14, 2013

Deal Breaker and a Coin Show Part 2

This is Part 2.  For part 1 go back one day.

I asked him if he thought that was OK to spend money on coins with our account overdrawn $459.  He said he didn't know it was that much.  I said it doesn't matter.  We are short every pay period.  He asked me what I wanted him to say.  I told him I wanted him to say "Yes, I do."  So he said it,

"Yes, I do."

My heart stopped.  Right then and there, my heart stopped.  My chest hurt, I couldn't breathe, I felt tears pushing up behind my eyes, I was sick, my throat closed.  I couldn't swallow.  I said nothing.  I walked away from him and went to my room to sew.  I cried in my room until I couldn't cry any more.  I sang along with the radio and kept my mind busy cutting out a pattern.

A few weeks ago he said that people get angry and scream or shout to get a response out of someone else, when they don't get that response, they will either get louder or stop.  I asked him if that was what he really believed.  People can't be angry for a good reason?  Nope.  Apparently, people only get angry to get a response out of someone else and when they don't get it, they stop.

Wow, you will never see me angry, you small, small, man.  Over my dead body.

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