Monday, May 27, 2013

Heard From My Son

My son called this afternoon.  It was good to hear his voice and get caught up on what he's been up to.  He's a little bummed with his injury, but he's well taken care of and should be back on his feet in a few months.  I miss him, but know he's where he wants to be.

Enjoyed a cook out at my sister's house.  Her son cooked burgers and hotdogs on the grill and we ate on her deck/porch under a big umbrella.  It was fun just enjoying the breezy afternoon.

I also went on a fun bike ride with my brother-in-law around "old" Tavernier and on up to Harry Harris park.  On the way back it rained like buckets were being dumped on us.  I thought we'd make it back without being completely soaked through to my skin, but that hope died as we went over the bridge.  It was still fun going with him and getting to do a little sightseeing before the rain came.

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