Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day five--Walking, walking, walking

Still walking on the treadmill.  However, I am back running short distances at the gym and did some squats.  That feel like more progress.  I have forgotten to keep posting about the number of situps and pushups I am doing.  I am up to 21 of each.  I'm having a lot of trouble making it to the 21st one without taking a break.  We'll see if I can make it to 22 tomorrow.  I was hoping my gut would start to show, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.  However, I can pull in my "stomach" without peeing in my pants or holding my breath, so that is a good thing.

Duration: 90
Interval: 65
Incline: level
Calories: 293
Distance: 2.25
Average Speed: 1.5 mph

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