Friday, May 31, 2013

Almost to Three

I decided to "run" (chuckle,chuckle) during the day today.  Tomorrow will probably include a short run because this one ended just one click below the speed that I like to start jogging.  I'm a little nervous, but I think it will be OK.  I've been increased my speed by five minutes each day.  I think beginning tomorrow I am going to return to the one increases.  I'm scared it's too soon.

Duration: 90
Intervals: 6/15 min
Incline: level
Calories: 383
Distance: 2.95
Average Speed: 1.99

I read today that the Marathon Runner's Club sets a deadline to receive self addressed stamped envelopes.  The Club returns applications in the self-addressed envelopes, the first 1500 to arrive at the Club are the ones chosen to run.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

No Braces Tonight

Today was the first day I didn't spend thinking about how to place my knee or how to extend my leg.  I wonder if it's some kind of coincidence that it's exactly a week since I started the Osteo Bi-flex?  It has also been one week since I went to the gym.  Maybe the combination of the supplements and resting the knees a little is the combination that has helped or maybe it's just time for it to get better.

Weight: 176.6

Duration: 90
Intervals: 5/20
Incline: level
Calories: 344
Distance: 2.65
Average speed:  1.77

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Making Progress--Still sloppy, no pain

I thought this would be a little farther tonight than just the 2.45, but I just have to keep in mind I was injured and getting better takes time anyway.  Add to that the age and weight.  I just need time.  I wore the braces for the walk.  Tonight I am adding another element to the report.  I've gained nine pounds since the last race, so have decided to cut back on anything extra for a while and see if I can get my habit of healthy eating back on track.  I'm a half pound down from yesterday, but I tend to make fun of people that count half pounds because my weight can fluctuate three pounds in one day due to hormones.  I usually only rejoice when I see several days of consistent loss or a total of five pounds or more.  So, an addition here is going to be my weight when I remember to weigh.

Weight: 177.6

Duration: 90
Interval: 4/25
Incline: level
Calories: 318
Distance: 2.45
Average Speed: 1.63 mph

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First Workout Since Trip South

Even though I got two bike rides in while I was gone, I was anxious to get back to working on my "running" which is funny to say right now because I'm just walking and tonight I feel like my thighs weigh 100 pounds each.  It's good to be home, however and enjoy my own bed.

Duration: 90
Interval: 3/30
Incline: level
Calories: 304
Distance: 2.34
Average Speed: 1.56 mph

Monday, May 27, 2013

Heard From My Son

My son called this afternoon.  It was good to hear his voice and get caught up on what he's been up to.  He's a little bummed with his injury, but he's well taken care of and should be back on his feet in a few months.  I miss him, but know he's where he wants to be.

Enjoyed a cook out at my sister's house.  Her son cooked burgers and hotdogs on the grill and we ate on her deck/porch under a big umbrella.  It was fun just enjoying the breezy afternoon.

I also went on a fun bike ride with my brother-in-law around "old" Tavernier and on up to Harry Harris park.  On the way back it rained like buckets were being dumped on us.  I thought we'd make it back without being completely soaked through to my skin, but that hope died as we went over the bridge.  It was still fun going with him and getting to do a little sightseeing before the rain came.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Key Largo Sunset

Got to Key Largo tonight at 9:30 pm, so that's a little of an exaggeration about the sunset.  We actually saw the sunset near Pembroke Pines.  I've got a really bad headache I hope will not plague me all weekend like these things tend to do.  Looking forward to getting out tomorrow.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Walk Before Holiday Weekend

We are leaving for a trip to Key Largo tomorrow so I wanted to be sure to get my walk in tonight.  Tried it without the braces, and it was kind of uncomfortable.  Perhaps I'm more attune to the little aches, pangs, and pains.  Not sure.

23 Situps and push ups

Duration: 90
Interval: 55
Incline: level
Calories: 270
Distance: 2.07
Average Speed: 1.38

We're taking the bikes.  I hope to get an idea how I am doing when I ride.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

This was an uneventful evening.  Discomfort in the knees is getting better everyday.  Started Osteo- BiFlex after reading a few reviews.  There was nothing medically conclusive, but it can't hurt.

22 situps and pushups

Duration: 90
Interval: 60
Incline: level
Calories 281
Distance: 2.16
Average Speed: 1.44

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day five--Walking, walking, walking

Still walking on the treadmill.  However, I am back running short distances at the gym and did some squats.  That feel like more progress.  I have forgotten to keep posting about the number of situps and pushups I am doing.  I am up to 21 of each.  I'm having a lot of trouble making it to the 21st one without taking a break.  We'll see if I can make it to 22 tomorrow.  I was hoping my gut would start to show, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.  However, I can pull in my "stomach" without peeing in my pants or holding my breath, so that is a good thing.

Duration: 90
Interval: 65
Incline: level
Calories: 293
Distance: 2.25
Average Speed: 1.5 mph

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day Four--Walking, Walking, Walking

Oh my goodness.  I am so bored of walking.  My knees are starting to feel better.  I ran a little at the gym today.  Still not ready to start running on the treadmill, so I'm still walking.  No incline stuff, either.  My mind wanders a lot with the walking, but I try to pay attention to how my feet are falling and how my knees are tracking to stop anything that may be going wrong before I get back to stressing my legs.

Duration: 90
Interval: 70
Incline: level
Calories 266
Distance: 2.06
Average Speed: 1.37

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Little Better

I can tell I'm not quite ready to run long distance, yet.  The braces help a lot.  Walking, walking, walking.  I want to be running and training, so it's got me a little bummed.  Here are tonight's figures.

Duration: 90 minutes
Interval: 75
Incline: level
Calories: 278
Distance: 2.12
Average Speed: 1.41

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Second Day Back to Treadmill

I was going to increase my time by one minute each time I walked.  For example:  Two days ago, I walked for 90 minutes at the slowest speed the treadmill would go.  Yesterday day I was going to walk for 89 minutes and then add one click to the last minute.  That seemed a little over kill, so I have decided to do it at five minute intervals.  I didn't go as far, so of course I didn't burn as many calories, but I walked 80 minutes at the slowest speed and then increased it for the last 10 minutes.

Interval: 80
Duration: 90
Incline: level
Calories: 259
Distance: 1.99
Average Speed: 1.32 mph

I did less tonight, but that's OK.  I'm trying to get better.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Trying to Get Back To Training

Well, tonight I tried the treadmill for the first time since I did whatever I did to my knees.  They are still very sloppy.  I'm trying to get back to training more seriously for the 7 Mile Bridge Run.  I need to be off the bridge in 90 minutes, so the original plan was to be able to do 7.5 miles in 90 minutes.  That's a pace of about five miles an hour.  Right now it hurts to walk past an easy pace, so that's what I did today:

Duration: 90 minutes
Incline: none
Calories: 278
Distance: 2.12 miles
Average Speed: 1.41 mph

I bought light support FUTURO knee braces from CVS.  They were buy one get one half off.  I bought the size that fits about 15" - 17"  I have a 15 inch knee, but muscular thighs, so I look bound up in them.  These FUTURO braces ended up being the best deal of all of the ones that didn't make me look like I'd been in an accident.  I just wanted something flesh colored to hold in my messed up knees a little.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I didn't Go Back to Bed Yesterday

I was started that way.  I ended up going and buying Salmon, Cod, a papaya and plants.  A friend of mine called and told me the Lowe's had a bunch of plants that weren't doing so good discounted 50% off.  I was lucky enough to find a sad little bunch of refugees that are now on my back porch looking thankful.  A couple of Begonias, Dracaena, two Philodendron type plants I have always wanted in the big houseplant size but were always too expensive.  The size I could afford just didn't seem like a good deal to buy a plant in a three inch pot that was five dollars.  Well, these thirty little fellas were two-fifty.  One of the begonias was only 85 cents.  I also bought a bamboo palm that was way too expensive next to my dollar plants.  I broke the bamboo palm into pieces and planted it in a shady part of the back yard because they don't like sun at all.  Oh yeah, the Buddleia I got for something like two-fifty, went in the ground near some plumbago under the edge of the eaves of the house  I planted one in front of where we put our garbage cans by the side door in hopes of it growing and blocking the view of the garbage cans.  We'll see if my husband doesn't like where it is tomorrow when the sun is up.  He was at a meeting until well after dark today.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't Want To Do Anything Today

I think laziness on Tuesday may have become a habit.  Last night I went to bed sure that I would wake up and do a bunch of stuff like cleaning, sewing, and then go to the gym to see if I was ready to start recovering from whatever I did to myself last week.  Now I just want to go back to bed.  I got my eight.  Granted they were an interrupted eight.

Anyway.  I'm thinking about restarting my day and going back to bed for an hour.  So thankful that I have that privilege.  If I go back to bed I have to promise myself to get up and get busy for the next three hours doing something productive.  I don't know.  Nothing is really wrong, just seems like nothing is really right.  Going through the motions is so exhausting.    

Monday, May 13, 2013

Wondering If I have an Injury - Day 4

Well, this is day four without exercise other than situps and pushups.  I'm up to 13 of each, if that's any good news.  Totally frustrated with my knees.  They don't hurt, they are just really, really uncomfortable.  I tried ice on them this evening for a little while.  I don't think it helped.  I've started looking into some nutrition for the joints.  Finding out things like salmon, almonds, broccoli, kale, and papaya are good for healthy joints.  Seriously considering a joint healthy diet for 60 days to see if it makes a difference.  The jury may be out on Glucosamine and Chondroitin.  So many conflicting reviews and articles I can't even begin to attach a link to anything I trust.  Very frustrated tonight.  I haven't run or trained since Thursday.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Shopping Day -- Bad Idea

Well, decided to go to the flea market this morning.  What a mess.  My knees weren't hurting--as usual--but the throbbing.  Jeez.  We ended up walking plant nurseries while we were out.  I finally succumbed to the discomfort and requested we call it a day.  I went home and sat in a chair with a heating pad on my knees.  It's so weird because they don't hurt, but good grief they are uncomfortable.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Back to School -- No Job

The school called me by late morning to let me know that I did not get the job.  The good news however, was that they wanted me to know that I had done a great job in the interview and recommended that I apply for some positions that would be opening up in my area.  It's possible that this means the school district may have received some new funding for the coming school year.  I was told that they had done away with each school having its own IT person, and had gone to centralized IT support from the school board, while now I am hearing that they are hiring in this field.  I hope this is true.  This gives me a fresh opportunity.  Woo Hoo!

Limiting Activity -- Knees No Better

So angry right now.  My knees feel like they are a mess.  Stiff.  Tight.  I'm hobbling around like an old person.  Still doing a little reading on the Baker's Cysts and wondering if I've aggravated something in that area and may just need to take a break and rest a little.  Did 10 pushups and situps.  Trying to do those first thing in the morning.  Finding the front of my knees to be a little sensitive as well. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Back To School - First Interview!

This morning was my first interview for my new career in IT.  It was with our local school system at a school about 45 minutes away.  It was definitely a positive experience.  I learned a lot about what I need to know and what they want to know--if that makes sense.  It was a panel of five.  The principal, the assistant principal, the CIO for the county, an MIS Technician V, and the Technology Educator.  The principal handing everyone a worksheet with questions on it.  She worked her way through the questions.  I felt comfortable and wasn't too nervous.  Perhaps because I was pretty sure they would find someone closer they liked better?  They are supposed to call me tomorrow afternoon to let me know if I got the job.

Super Tight Knees - No Running for Me

Went to the gym tonight and favored my knees.  They are so tight.  I walked the warmup and cool down laps.  I can't straighten my leg or pull my toes up.  Tried to not put my full weight on the right one.  It seems to be the one bothering me the most.  Luckily, the workout was mostly upper body.  I did some of the squats hoping it would stretch the area that was tight.  Sure hope I'm not doing a bad thing by going on with my activity.  Saw something online about Baker's Cysts.  Uggh.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Nine Minute Intervals - Sloppy Knees?

Tonight my knees are kind of bugging me, they're sloppy.  Kind of feel like they may fall out of place at any moment.  I looked this up and found out there is such a thing as "loose knees" or joints.  I came home from the gym and rested for a few hours before I got on the treadmill.  It was incline night.  Time to tackle the nine minute interval.  I made it 54 minutes.  My knees felt like they were going to fall apart.  When I went to an even treadmill for the last six minutes, it felt a lot less uncomfortable.  Now my knees feel like they are wrapped by giant rubber band.  Super tight and stiff.  Got to look up what might be going on here.  Starting to wonder if I might be overtraining a little.  Just a little.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Nine Minute Intervals -- Disaster -- Bad Day

Well, this was a horrible night.  I only made it 30 minutes and just quit altogether.  Disappointed in myself and my desire, but I also took two Benadryl in hopes of it helping relieve a sinus headache that's been plaguing me.  I think that drained me and in the end really didn't help my headache.

Back to School -- Interview Scheduled

Last week, I put in an online application for MIS Technician I with the school district.  I forgot to write something here about it.  I was pretty sure I wouldn't get it because I'd applied for similar positions before and didn't even get a call or even a courtesy e-mail.  I take that back. I got one courtesy e-mail.  I didn't fit the "interview criteria."  Perhaps I'll take the time to expound on that in the future, but suffice it to say, I did everything I was supposed to do to get that job.  Well, this morning, the phone rang.  I saw that it was from the city I had put in to work.  My pulse quickened and when she introduced herself as calling from the school I'd applied to I got so excited it was difficult to keep my voice from squeaking.  So the big day is Thursday at 10:00.  I'll be sure to post something here when I get home.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

10 Minute Intervals -- Day Three -- 667 Calories

Third time is the charm.  Full Incline.  I made the full 90 minutes jogging the last ten minutes--uphill!  So very excited.  This means the next time, the intervals decrease to nine.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

10 Minute Intervals -- Day Two

I made it to 86 minutes tonight!  Returned to level incline to finish out the 90 minutes.  It's working, It's working!

Separating Finances

I've decided that if and when I get a job, I'd like to separate our finances.  This is not to say that I will not take the responsibility for paying back my loan.  I will take full responsibility.  However, I'd really like to try splitting up the finances.  Give my husband an opportunity to feel what it feels like to have a little freedom with his money.  Waste it.  Blow it.  Save it.

I think it would be a good experience for him so see.  I've done some research online and found some websites that give some pointers on how to divide up the expenses.  I'm a fan of percentages.  If my percentage of the income is 40%, then I pay 40% of the expenses.  I thought about stuff like groceries and gas.  When one person pays for something, then the other one has to reimburse the other one for the percentage.  I think it would be easier to have our own cars, but that may not happen right away.  I'm really thinking pretty seriously about it.

The last full time job I had I was very close to it when I resented yet another thing of mine being sold to meet expenses.  This time is was another car.  Yes.  I'd had another car of mine sold, and a scooter.  All cash I never saw yet disappeared.