I've set a very lofty goal that includes running the seven mile bridge in the Florida Keys. Aptly named the 7 Mile Bridge Run. It's a year away. I'd like to try to train for it and see what happens. So I've made a plan to run every day of the week except for one. I will also be setting the incline on the treadmill to the steepest setting. I think this is 12 - 15% can't find an accurate site to help with that. I will probably end up doing my own estimation using a protractor.
Anyway, I start tomorrow. I'll try to remember to post something each day even if it's only my stats.
Just Plain Ol' Journaling
Back To School
Seven Mile Bridge Run
Books and Movies
Mental Messages
The Winter of Our Discontent
Getting to know me
Dirty Food Mud Run
Never On Sunday
Job Hunting
Moral Dilemma
Petty World
Things You Only Tell Your Therapist
Doctor Doctor
Personal Inventory
Is That So Difficult?
Let's Get Organized: Not
Home Wrecker
Down 2 Earth Run
Pet Stuff
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