Monday, April 8, 2013

Leavin' On a Jet Plane

Today is the day.  We will drop my son at the airport to attend basic training in San Antonio, Texas.  He flies out April 9th.  I haven't accepted it yet.  I'm so happy for him, I haven't had time to be sad for me.  I know I will miss him, he's my world.  I wasn't surprised when he told me what he'd decided to do after three years in corrections.  Everyone else was kind of surprised, but I always kind of knew or at best hoped he'd make his way back to the Air Force.

B-24 Photo from
He loved planes.  I used to sneak him out of school, faking doctor's and orthodontist appointments to take him to the airport to see the Dragon and his Tail fly in.  He used to run outside when planes flew over head on their way to MacDill or out to the bombing range here.  Once, the Memphis Bell limped in to our little airport a stones throw across the highway.  My dad took him to see it up close and personal.  I kind of always knew I'd lose him to the planes.  He's still a little boy.

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