Friday, March 29, 2013

The Winter of Our Discontent: House Guest

I woke up this morning to a house guest.  A house guest I didn't know about.  My husband and my son went and picked up a family friend (his side of the family) from the airport and brought him back to our house at 11:30 or so at night.

I'm not sure where the line of communication broke down.  I just know that I almost walked out of my room in some raggedy old pajamas and no bra.  My husband had gone to work and left the bedroom door open, I wasn't thinking about company.  I started out the bedroom door, luckily, He was sitting in a chair in our living room that had its back to the door I was walking through.  I quietly closed the bedroom door and got dressed while I took a mental inventory of what had been said.  I couldn't remember.  All I knew now was there was a visitor in my living room.

I rummaged around and made some waffles and coffee.  We'd been on vacation.  There was very little food in the house.  Especially the absence of syrup after I'd already started the waffles.

Turns out my son had offered to take him down to my mother in law's house some time that morning and they didn't tell anyone because my mother in law left her volunteer position to come get him at my house.  Meanwhile, we were headed south to her house.  She wasn't home, so we went out for lunch.  It wasn't a huge deal.  Just one of those things that no one communicated about.

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