Monday, March 18, 2013

Books and Movies: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

I realized I have finished this trilogy and never review the first book.  I bought this book after the fervor for the Stieg Larsson trilogy had dissipated.  I didn't want to be the next one in line with the latest book, instead, I found three paperbacks and eventually made my way through all three.  I think this trilogy is best read from beginning to end.

Plot aside, one of the things that seemed to hit me about these books--and the second one--is how easily the main character seems to find someone to have sex with.  He's already in a casual sex relationship with a woman who is married and her husband knows about it, and is OK with it.  Along the way, he sleeps with others.  This disturbs me a little, but maybe it's just the times or the country the book was originally written in.

Other than that, the girl in the bookstore, was right, it took a little while for the book to get going.  I might add I was almost half way into the book before I reached that "I can't put this down" moment.  The oddest thing about reading this first book is that I found the most unbelievable character--Lisbeth-- the most believable.  There were a lot of details in this book that didn't seem necessary until reading the second and third installments.  So, if you're deciding whether to buy, finish, or complete the trilogy, it was a good read.

Beware, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest is over 800 pages long.  Ironically, it is the best of the three.  Everything finally makes sense, in other words, so hold out for the end.  There are a few things Larsson takes liberties with that left me thinking, um, no.

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