Monday, March 11, 2013

Books and Movies: The Bourne Identity -- The Book

So many people have seen the movies--including me.  It seemed silly to read a book written so long based on a movie written quite a while ago.  However, I got a gift card to a books store and since that is one of my favorite things to do, I bought a triology: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and The Bourne Ultimatum.  Now I did learn that there are some new books being written about the main character Jason Bourne by a new author, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

It was difficult to read The Bourne Identity after seeing the movie so many times.  I remember feeling this way when I sat down to read James Fenimore Cooper's Last of the Mohicans.  The book was very, very, good.  After seeing the Daniel-Day Lewis running through the woods to save Madeleine Stowe, I had to approach the book as if it were a completely different story.  Turns out, when they made the movie version of The Bourne Identity, they took a lot of liberty.  I appreciated that the book could go in to more detail.

It actually took me two tries to read the book.  I started the book on vacation, and didn't return to it until I couldn't remember what I had read (Seems I do that a lot when I start books on vacation).  I have started The Bourne Supremacy and as I stated before, got interrupted with school work, so it's back on the shelf.  The real Bourne Identity (in book form) is a good read.  It wasn't as exciting as it could have been, in that it was just close enough to the movie to spoil it, and not close enough that it didn't ruin it.  I wish I'd known about the books before practically memorizing the movies.

Overall, I wouldn't run out and buy them, but they were an exciting read that didn't require a great deal of commitment.

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