Friday, May 13, 2011

Books and Movies: Does TV Count?

I know this probably sounds a little corny and could be a better use of my time, but I've been watching old episodes of X Files.  I never saw a single episode in the 10 or so years it was airing.  I've always been intrigued by paranormal and supernatural stories, but for some goofy reason, just never watched it.

So, a week or so ago, we started watching the episodes from the beginning.  We're up to the one with the evil set of twins.  Even for 1993, it's pretty good writing.  I think so far, one of the things I can appreciate at this moment is there is no silly attempt at corny computer graphics.

We joke about the awkward attempts at sexual tension between Scully and Mulder.  They're always staying in a hotel somewhere.  He's always in her personal space.  He believes, she doesn't.  Unlikely hero meets reluctant FBI agent.  We know the drill.  So we take it light whenever he gets in her space, or things get less than professional and give each other a side glance and a chuckle.

This is a good show.  I've enjoyed the first dozen or so episodes and I'm looking forward to the next 200.  YIKES.

I normally watch it in the afternoon with my son, but watched a few episodes last night.   It was much creepier with the shades down and all the lights in the house off.  Two cats that as usual slept through it all.  So we give it the thumbs up.  We'll see how I feel about it after 200+ episodes.

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