Sunday, May 1, 2011

Never On Sunday: Trail of Bodies

An uprising in my church caused a few casualties.  People left the church or are not attending until our appointed pastor is transferred, retires or dies.  That's not meant in humor.  A lot of people that love the church and the people of the church really, really don't like our pastor.  In the denomination that I have settled into, pastors are appointed to churches and it pretty much takes an act of God to pry one out.  Well, as pastors go, and I don't mind saying I'm prejudiced--he's an idiot--but he does claim to be a "Man of God", so I address that precarious position when one claims the "Man of God" position.  How does one make the differentiation between, "I am a Man of God and you, well, you are a, well, a parishioner".


"I have been to seminary to learn amazing facts and figures about the Bible and Biblical times.  I know how to deliver a metaphor, an analogy and an allegory.  I can wrap up a sermon with a story that will bring tears to your eyes.  In another career, I could probably sell you anything I set my mind to.  You, well, you are a parishioner."


"I can approach the pulpit weekly and speak of the mysteries of the Bible while you dutifully take notes on the little printouts I have given you.  You can follow along with the sermon on the power point presentation our secretary made for me.  The 20 minutes I speak to you about these mysterious truths and miracles and my vast knowledge are so much more important than what goes on here the other six and a half days of the week, I will promptly figure out others who can take my place for all those other things going on here.  Meanwhile, I am your pastor.  I am inspired by God to bring you His Word.  I don't think I'm interested in doing anything that is actually pastoral."


You know, that's not what I get from all this.  What I get is that it's supposed to be simple, free, life changing and hope renewing.  I'm supposed to be able to read the Bible for myself and have the Holy Spirit guide me to the truths He has for me for that day.  I think we all have the potential to be men and women "of" God.  I think the Bible is a very long book that written so very long ago pertaining to a world that is so very different from ours.

I've met many, many people that have been victims of the church but none that have been victims of Christianity.  It's time churches and pastors figure out what they are here for.  How can they contribute to a community in such a way that is not already followed out with a community center, clubs and theme parks?  It's a tough row to hoe, but I think the church can turn it around and stop leaving a trail of bodies when they realize their position and stand up for it.

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