Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fitness: Switching Gears--Again

I've always wanted to try a training schedule but could never understand them enough to apply them any more than a few days.  Well, I did find one here.  It's a Couch to 5k plan.  I did a few days of the first week.  In order to do the 3 miles in 30 minutes I want to do, the jogging portion of the plan needs to be at 6 mph.  I did the 60/90 week at 5.5 and it was tough.

I don't know about "Couch to 5k" as described because I've been jogging/running in varying intensities for almost a year and although I haven't really progressed much beyond a sad 17 minute mile, I'm certainly not a couch potato.  This is a tough regime.

I'm going to do this plan for a while.  Something is bettter than nothing.  I may not do it in the 9 weeks because I want to do the 3 miles in 30 minutes.  I've got 12 weeks until the next obstacle race, so I may figure out a way to stretch out he increments a little to give myself and my 45 year old body an opportunity to rise to the occasion.  I don't know, something like turning the alternate three day week into a four day "week" or switch to a 45 second jog for the first week so I can get the speed I am hoping for.

I feel encouraged to have finally found a plan I can understand and maybe even work with.  Here's the link again.  I'll post later what I decided to do about stretching the training into 11 or 12 weeks.

Here is the Couch to 5K Plan link again.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kitchen Traditions: Stinky Stank

I am obssessed about the way my house smells.  Perhaps it's because I have friends and family whose homes--well--stink.  Like dog, like cigarette smoke, like onions.  You name it.  I have six cats, so I am always tuned in to the way my house smells.  I've got some really great heated wax/oil from Scentsy that I use when I expect company for the evening, but most days I rely on this great new discovery I bought at Pet Supermarket.  (It's about the same price on ebay.  Believe me, I checked!)

Natural Air Sponge Odor Absorber
Stock Photo

A company called Seapro International appear to be the geniuses behind this awesome product.  I don't know what it's made of.  It feels like that spongy stuff you stand on in some public showers or at water theme parks.  Up close it has a kind of baby powder smell that I was not so sure I wanted my house to smell like.  Once the cup is opened and this awesome product goes to work, there's no baby powder smell.  In fact there is no smell at all.

I have one sitting on top of each of my litter boxes and I don't know if this is a coincidence or not, but the sponge I place on smellliest room and most used box is shriveling at a much higher rate than the other.  I'm not sure how this works, so if you want that kind of information, it will have to wait, but for now I highly recommend this over any other odor absorbing/masking thing I've bought to date.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Back To School: Calculus--Well, Almost

I started a semester of Calculus on Sunday.  It's actually Basic Applied Calculus.  I'm not sure what that means for sure.  Perhaps it's like some kind of pergatory between Pre-Calc and Calc.  I just know I don't like that so far I spent a lot of money to do word problems.

That leads me to what appears to be an unrelated topic.  But stay with me.

I'm addicted to the DeMYSTiFieD series.  So I've bought one--if they had one--every time I've taken a course.  In my math journeys, the one DeMYSTiFieD guide I've used again and again has been the math word problems issue.  I bought it used off e-bay.  I've used it to tutor others and myself through College Algebra, PreCalculus, Elementary Statistics and now I have it back out for Calculus.  Word Problems.

math word problems Demystified
Allan G. Bluman
McGraw Hill
ISBN 0-07-144316-9
stock photo
Two Equations
Quadratic Equations
Other strategies

This is just one of the best ones out there.  Like I said, I've returned to it again and again for myself and for others.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Never On Sunday: An Unlikely Source

I imagine one of these days the bitterness I feel for churches, pastors and organized religion will subside, but for now, my antenna are up and alert when it comes to such things.

I spent the evening with a friend and her daughter.  The friend used to be the assistant principal at my son's (now 23) elementary school, so we've known each other for quite some time.  Her daughter recently entered our lives via her husband.  Not because of, but in spite of.

I always wanted to ask "the question" about her ex husband and what prompted her to leave him after 25 years of marriage, however, I didn't know her well enough yet.  Last night, on a long drive to a musical we were all attending, she spoke of him and her children and I just listened.

Her husband is a mean person.  Self absorbed and self serving.  He is also a Christian.  She spoke of him for many miles as if he was a pastor or had been a pastor.  So I asked her. 

"Is your ex-husband a pastor?"

She answered quickly, "No, he just thinks he is."  The comment from her was so full of resentment I knew the next several miles would be filled with more of her life with him.  Apparently when he wasn't wooing potential Christians, or being a wonderful example of the Christian walk to others, he was emotionally and verbally abusive to the family--their five children and his wife.  Their heated arguments and fighting lasting deep into the night when she chose to stand up to him or long spells of silence when she did not.

Somewhere in there she didn't love him anymore, she didn't blame him, she didn't hate him, but had chosen to leave him.  The adult children were still angry and many had sought counseling.  

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Am Really Grouchy This Morning

Wow, I am crabby.  I'm tired.  I'm back in the phase of not sleeping well and haven't been able to shake this headache  Our cats were out of food yesterday.  I should have made time to go up to the store to pick some up, but my mom called before I left to go to a rehearsal and told me some desparing new about my dad so instead of stopping at the store for cat food, I drove home on the phone talking to her.  I know she must feel frustrated, but this is what life is.  Like it or not, ready or not.

There's also no coffee beans.  This whole idea off running out of things isn't usually that big of a deal except that my family is spoilt.  They know that we won't be out for long, mom will go pick some up.  Whatever "some" happens to be.  I'm a sucker and I don't know how to fix it.

Oh, I hate feeling like this.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fitness: Treadmill? What Treadmill?

What a defeating week it has been.  The blister started it.  Three days of headaches finished it.  I have not been on the treadmill in a week.  I did stick to the weight training, but have not increased weights or reps this week.

I think I am starting to see a difference in the shape of my arms.  Maybe I'm seeing it because I just want to see it.

202 this morning on the scale.  I don't have anyone to blame but myself.  I have to get back to the cardio tomorrow.  I'm frustrated that I've been "training" for almost 10 months and still can't run any more than I could ten months ago.  I need to do some research on increasing stamina for distance.  Discouragement is not what I need right now.  I need to be finding my second wind and figuring out ways to succeed.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Books and Movies: Does TV Count?

I know this probably sounds a little corny and could be a better use of my time, but I've been watching old episodes of X Files.  I never saw a single episode in the 10 or so years it was airing.  I've always been intrigued by paranormal and supernatural stories, but for some goofy reason, just never watched it.

So, a week or so ago, we started watching the episodes from the beginning.  We're up to the one with the evil set of twins.  Even for 1993, it's pretty good writing.  I think so far, one of the things I can appreciate at this moment is there is no silly attempt at corny computer graphics.

We joke about the awkward attempts at sexual tension between Scully and Mulder.  They're always staying in a hotel somewhere.  He's always in her personal space.  He believes, she doesn't.  Unlikely hero meets reluctant FBI agent.  We know the drill.  So we take it light whenever he gets in her space, or things get less than professional and give each other a side glance and a chuckle.

This is a good show.  I've enjoyed the first dozen or so episodes and I'm looking forward to the next 200.  YIKES.

I normally watch it in the afternoon with my son, but watched a few episodes last night.   It was much creepier with the shades down and all the lights in the house off.  Two cats that as usual slept through it all.  So we give it the thumbs up.  We'll see how I feel about it after 200+ episodes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fitness: Little Debbie and my Gigantic Blister

It's Tuesday again.  I have to share some fitness tidbit.  Truth is, that blister I got the middle of last week grounded me.

I did wear some sneaker-type shoes to rehearsal last night and it didn't hurt to walk about 50 yards.  I've got some errands to run this morning and some things to do around here that I've been putting off for close to months.  Forget days and weeks.

I'm in that procrastinating mood I find myself in complete with headache, grogginess, and general impatience.  So I slept in this morning because I could.  Enter the grouchy portion of my mood.  When I feel like this my appetite for real food disappears and is replaced with a ravenous desire for things manufactured by Little Debbie.

However, I will gladly report that I have continued with my weight training.  I have never had a problem finding the desire to do that.  On Sunday I made it to another level of weights.  I managed to do two Lat Pulldowns using the next to the last weight on the stack.  I don't know how much weight this translates to.  I lost the instruction sheet containing the math portion of the exercises a long time ago.  Now I just set a goal to be able to "do" one more than last time knowing I will probably never be able to do them all.  By "them all" I mean all the weights on the stacks.  But then again . . .

My husband says I am pretty much doing it all wrong.  I disagreed.  I think by doing reps with both light and heavy weights I am getting a more broad spectrum workout.  Plus, I really think I need the warm up as my shoulder joint tends to let me know when I've over done it. Although he was probably right for a goal of strength training.  I am trying to smooth out my arms from those terrible bulges that rest somewhere around the elbow to shoulder area and I believe it's working using the combination of low weight high reps and high weight low reps.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Is That So Difficult?: I Just Want His Clothes to Fit

My husband has a flat butt and I'm sick of looking at his pants/jeans sagging like he's wearing a day-old dirty diaper.  Now I know right now that we don't have the money for him to go buy seven new pairs of jeans just because he looks like he's packing a load, but there has to be an answer.  One pair of jeans that actually fit his ass and I'd spend 100 dollars.

I looked at a few "answer" websites that were no help at all.  In fact, I just got angry.  I can't believe these articles actually claim to help a man shop for jeans.  I tell you what I'm looking for, I'm looking for a pair of jeans that fit him.  I don't want to read about snaps, buttons, pockets or stitching.  I don't care about the color of the blue.  I want them to FIT HIM!

It doesn't seem to bother him.  I mention it when his jeans are going especially "droopy drawer" on him.  He laughs it off and tells me that's just the way it is.  I don't think so.  There has to be a men's jean out there designed especially for Flat Ass Syndrome and I don't need to be told to look for a pair of jeans that fits across the behind, because that's what I'm doing.  I'm looking for a pair of jeans that fit him.  Is that so difficult?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Need a Remedy: A Gigantic Blister

I noticed some soreness in my heel during my walk/run on Tuesday.  I decided to power through it on Wednesday's walk although it was getting pretty stingy by the end of the 3 miles.  I pulled off my sock to find a blister about the size of a 50 cent piece.  It was so tender to the touch I couldn't put a shoe on the next day, so I waited it out.  I thought by Friday I'd be able to put my shoe on with two socks and a nice tight fit, so I tried to walk.  I made it five minutes before the pain was over the top.  I then tried a zero incline.  It still hurt.  The only way it didn't make me want to buckle was walkin gon tip toe.  That just wasn't going to work for another 2.75 miles.

I tried to wear a shoe on Saturday, still no go.  This thing is really bad.  Anyone out there have any suggestions?  I need to get back to wearing shoes and walking as soon as possible.

This morning it is still tender.  I am going to wait until tonight to try to put a shoe on and see.  Grrrr.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fitness: Best Time 3 Miles in 53 Minutes

That's 1 1/2 miles uphill and 1 1/2 miles level.  It was a bit of a fluke.  I'm spending most off the time around 57 - 63 minutes.  However, I have added a tenth of a mile to the incline portion of the "course".  This week I am walking 1.4 level and 1.6 on full incline.  I am holding on to the rails for dear life, but hope that will soon stop.
I also change it up a bit.  Incline first one day and level terrain first the next day.

Started to really turn up the heat on the weight training and balancing exercises as well.  Doing varying number of sets of 25 calf raises throughout the day.  While I'm cooking.  In the shower.  I try to do the calf raises with my arms at my side to work those balancing muscles in the core.

My muscles are very tight today.  Yesterday was a weight train and walk work out day.  Focusing on the upper body and mostly arms for the sundress I'm working on.

I talk about it a lot in my Sewing Retro! series.  I'm up to something like #5 on it.  That's the link to #1.  I'm planning on wearing it to my niece's outdoor graduation in June.  You'll notice it's sleeveless.  Something I just don't do it go sleeveless in public.  I plan on it June 10.

In my weight training, it takes me about an hour to do it all.  I start with fast reps of low weights and then I do some slow heavy stuff.  I know that the low weights have been proven to not do so much for us.  I use the really low weights like a warm up because I have a really bad shoulder.  I takes the shoulder a very long time to warm up, so I decided to use the super light weights on the same exercises I do the super heavy weights to be sure those specific muscles and joints are warmed up the best they can be.  Since I began doing my workout this way, I have only experienced minor soreness for about 24 hours after an especially tough workout.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Never On Sunday: Trail of Bodies

An uprising in my church caused a few casualties.  People left the church or are not attending until our appointed pastor is transferred, retires or dies.  That's not meant in humor.  A lot of people that love the church and the people of the church really, really don't like our pastor.  In the denomination that I have settled into, pastors are appointed to churches and it pretty much takes an act of God to pry one out.  Well, as pastors go, and I don't mind saying I'm prejudiced--he's an idiot--but he does claim to be a "Man of God", so I address that precarious position when one claims the "Man of God" position.  How does one make the differentiation between, "I am a Man of God and you, well, you are a, well, a parishioner".


"I have been to seminary to learn amazing facts and figures about the Bible and Biblical times.  I know how to deliver a metaphor, an analogy and an allegory.  I can wrap up a sermon with a story that will bring tears to your eyes.  In another career, I could probably sell you anything I set my mind to.  You, well, you are a parishioner."


"I can approach the pulpit weekly and speak of the mysteries of the Bible while you dutifully take notes on the little printouts I have given you.  You can follow along with the sermon on the power point presentation our secretary made for me.  The 20 minutes I speak to you about these mysterious truths and miracles and my vast knowledge are so much more important than what goes on here the other six and a half days of the week, I will promptly figure out others who can take my place for all those other things going on here.  Meanwhile, I am your pastor.  I am inspired by God to bring you His Word.  I don't think I'm interested in doing anything that is actually pastoral."


You know, that's not what I get from all this.  What I get is that it's supposed to be simple, free, life changing and hope renewing.  I'm supposed to be able to read the Bible for myself and have the Holy Spirit guide me to the truths He has for me for that day.  I think we all have the potential to be men and women "of" God.  I think the Bible is a very long book that written so very long ago pertaining to a world that is so very different from ours.

I've met many, many people that have been victims of the church but none that have been victims of Christianity.  It's time churches and pastors figure out what they are here for.  How can they contribute to a community in such a way that is not already followed out with a community center, clubs and theme parks?  It's a tough row to hoe, but I think the church can turn it around and stop leaving a trail of bodies when they realize their position and stand up for it.