Sunday, June 21, 2015

Remember That Last Piece of Cheesecake?

Well.  I believe last night I said I had my last piece of cheesecake until a time I hadn't completely decided?  Seems today was my last piece of cheesecake.  Make that pieces.  I ate the last three pieces of cheesecake in one setting.  Now I have a headache and have been binge watching How I Met Your Mother.  I know how it ends.  Unfortunately I know how it ends for me as well.  Gaining back the 50 pounds I lost.

I've got to get hold of myself and figure out what the magic bullet is before I truly do gain back all 50 pounds.  It took me years to lose and I gained back half of it in one year.  I ate half a cheesecake this weekend and haven't been to the gym since Wednesday.  I've got to get control of myself before I ruin all my hard work.

The three pieces of cheesecake I ate in one setting so that they would all be gone and I wouldn't be tempted truly has to be the last dessert I eat for a while.  I'm not considering denying myself because I've already heard denying myself can be just as big a mistake as eating three pieces of cheesecake in one setting.

I fell off the wagon.  I gained 25 pounds.  I need to figure out what to do next.

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