Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mental Messages: Picture From the Past

A picture a sibling posted on facebook has me thinking--a lot.  I'm about 3 or 4 years old, it is Christmas and I am disappointed.  Plainly and clearly disappointed.  Meanwhile another sibling--not the one that posted the photo.  Is in the bottom corner of the photo looking happy and satisfied.  I am disappointed.

I also notice that I am undeniably chunky.  A round face, round belly and chubby hands.  I've seen pictures of myself as a little girl many times and noticed that my early childhood years were chubby years.  I slimmed down by the time I was in late elementary school, but not enough to open the doors to opportunity.

I remember now the lisp I had as late as 3rd or 4th grade.  I remember the teacher pointing it out to my mother and my mother being surprised to hear I had a lisp.  I clearly had a lisp.  I also remember the day it was discovered I would wear glasses for the rest of my life.  My mother and I were riding around looking for an address.  She asked me to tell her the name of a street and I couldn't see it.

I put all these things together and I think.  I think about how I must have been to my fellow classmates.  Small but just a little chubby.  Glasses.  Unruly blonde hair.  How these things add up, I don't know, but it's a possible portal into why I am the way I am.

I guess seeing that disappointment on my face at such a tiny little girl made me realize that I have a lifetime of unmet expectations.  That little moment in time says so much to me about what I need to do to change what time I do have left on this earth.

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