Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Let's Get Organized: Not! #1

Today, I am introducing a new addition to my family of labels:

"Let's Get Organized:  Not!" 

I've decided I don't want to get organized.  I think getting "organized" in most cases--not all-- is a huge waste of time.  What needs to happen is folks need to realize that there is a lot of stuff they are doing because their parents did, or because they think they have to, or any number off reasons.  What if we had so little stuff that we didn't need to get organized? 

What if it was enough just to put it away?

For example, I stopped organizing my personal files.  To put it simple, I have a basket on the counter next to the phone.  Everything I might possibly think is something, goes in that basket.  In July and January I go through the papers.  If they are still important to me, I put them all in an accordian file.  I don't read each piece of paper.  I don't mark them "received".  I don't do any of that.  I just put them in a file and put them away.  Right now, "away" is in a box on the floor in the TV room, but I plan to change that in the next month and a half.  I think you get the picture.

I used to put everything in a file cabinet with marked tabs for all the members of the family, all the things we own like cars and boats.  Each year I purged them and moved them to a well marked accordian file for that "just in case" moment that hasn't come.  I just don't see the point in that anymore.  It has been six years since I stopped obsessing about personal files and I have yet to return to any of those accordian files on the floor in the TV room.  When I get there, I am going to be moving them to a less obvious place.

A few things I have been putting off, and really need to do are getting ClosetMaids for the rest of the closets.  Years ago, we did the closet in our room.  There was no kit for my size closet the way I wanted it, so I bought one as close to the dimensions as I could and my darling husband fixed it to fit.  He didn't like me very much at the time, but when it was done, we both agreed it was worth the trouble.

I hope that in the future weeks, I can talk about different places in my house that I have "organized" and that I plan on "organizing".  I'm going to include some before/after shots as well, so this should be a pretty exciting series.  I have a four bedroom, two bath house with a two car garage and all the crap that goes with living somewhere for over ten years.  I'll document the progress here as much as I can.

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