Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fitness: 20 poles

I've been back riding my bike for about two weeks.  I ride 20 telephone poles past the point I got to on the very first day.  I have felt a little sluggish these two days after feeling pretty good the end of last week and into the weekend.  I took my bike on one of my husband's presure washing jobs so I could ride the neighborhood.

There's a nice road that leads out to the highway.  I rode the highway for a few minutes then headed back.  That ride was about 25 minutes.  I wanted to make it worth my while.

My weight has been as low as 204 and as high as 208 this week.  The trend on the graph for the last 21 days shows an increase in my overal weight.  That's a little more disappointing that I care to dwell on.

I am still drinking my 128 ounces of water each day and an occasional unsweet tea.  However, this weekend was a fail.  I drank a diet soda, tea with sugar in it and dessert.  Maybe that's why I weighted 208 on Sunday?  I'm shrugging here because I don't know.

I got back on my weight lifting regime yesterday for a Monday, Wednesday, Friday plan.  It's amazing how quickly it's lost.  Supposedly though, once it's been there it only takes 50 percent as much effort to get it back.  Does that mean that the second time around it's really only 25 percent as much effort as the original time or does that just count against the last time?  Ah well, at any rate, it appears I'm back to exercising and it feels good.

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