Saturday, July 23, 2011

Books and Movies: Ugly Chicks Don't Sell Tickets

I love movies.  I really love movies.  Now don't get me wrong there are a few movies that come and go and I'm not really interested in them like the movies that seem to hatch a string of movies just like the parent movie.  Eh, not so much.  I'm also growing weary of the "lovable loser/reluctant hero".

About "lovable losers".  For Hollywood, in most cases this guy would never get within two states of his costar.  He's scruffy, accident prone, goofy, too skinny, a font of not so funny quips and she's just plain drop dead, coma-inducing hot.  At the very least, they kiss by the end of the movie.  For him, at the greatest, it's a romp in the hay.  This would never happen.  That's why they keep doing this.  Girls think it's romantic and guys, well, they dig the idea that the goofy one--he one just like them--gets the fantasy girl.

Why does the quirky girl star get a guy just as much a loser as she is?  This really ticks me off.  Think about it.

So there are a few TV shows coming out that have quirky loser girls, but their hot.  They just have a few social inadequacies that the next guy that comes into their life will surely cure.  Then thanks to their room mate or next boyfriend, they'll be all fixed up.


What about the girl who is a lovable loser and couldn't get within two states of her hot, sexy, male, costar?  When does that happen?  I don't think it will.  Ugly chicks don't sell movie seats.

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