Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Let's Get Organized: Not #3 A Surprising Outcome

Two nights ago I got the urge to clean my kitchen cabinets.  I couldn't sleep.  I cleaned.  I only wish I'd taken some pictures for you.  The whole thing started when my coffee maker made a mess all over my counter.  It ran under the spice rack and the George Foreman Grill and the Olive decanter and the vitamins.  What a mess!  As I was moving this stuff to clean under it I realized it had been too long since I'd wiped any of it off.  Everyting had hair, cobwebs and just plain ol' dust in a healthy--or unhealthy--layer all over.

Let me say I use Windex for everything.  EVERYTHING.  Windex works on grease buildup like nothing else.  So I started spraying everything and wiping it down and that brings me back to the whole reason I decided to do the kitchen.

The thing about this time around is I'm going to be taking my time and really considering my needs for the future.  I'm going be done with school in a few years and those years will be going by quickly.  Do I want to be fooling with all this crap when I'm ready to start my new life?  No.  So to me it doesn't matter how organized it is, if I don't need it, it's that much less I have to worry about organizing--or keeping organized.

This is my "ingredients" cabinet now.  It's next  to the stove
 where I can reach it and even though you can't see here,  I
moved the sweet stuff for baking to the left and the spices for
 cooking to the right.

This cabinet was so full I could see anything.
Now it hold only breakfast, pastas and sauces,
and legumes.

This cabinet has all the "ready to eat" foods in it.
I have a blind spot on the far left.  I put the over-
abundance of plastic silverware there with a big
red arrow to remind me it's there.

This is the last cabinet in the kitchen.  It seemed like a great
place to store medicines.  (I went through a Metamucil phase)
My best wine glasses and rarely used tea cups are on the top
shelf.  I need to drink more tea when I have company.

This is the to the right of the "ready to eat"
cabinet.  It's drinks and snacks.
 This may not look like it's organized like a professional might come in and do, but what I see here is about half what was here and I can see it all to find it and use it.  We were wasting way too much food and space.  I still have the other half of the kitchen to go.  That's the pots and pans and under the sink.  I already took a great deal of the contents of these cabinets to charity last year, so this will just be a matter of going back through it and straightening it up.

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