Friday, April 15, 2011

The Winter of Our Discontent: Overdrawn Accounts and Burger King Whoppers

I haven't had opportunity to look at the account closely, but we somehow managed to overdraw our account by $287.  I remember when that happened to us the first time.  I thought I was going to die.  I was so embarassed, I cried and cried.  Then I was angry and blamed it on everything and everyone.  My husband got an advance on his paycheck which meant the company he worked for knew what we'd done.  I was truly mortified.

The truth is, money is a tough thing.  I can watch it like a hawk for weeks and months at a time and even though I know I shouldn't, as soon as I let my guard down and decide to breath a little, this happens--every time.  I imagine some time today, I'll have to toughen up and look at the account to see where we went wrong.  We'll have to tighten up again.  I don't know how.  We haven't been out  in I don't know how long.  The most deviant thing we've done is Burger King.  We have a school booster card that we can get a free Whopper with the purchase of a Whopper.  We buy a triple Whopper, get the second whopper free and share the spare patty.  We share a drink and a fry.  Pretty ingenious, I'd say.

Well, before I get into my day, I better go see why we are overdrawn.  I quickly peeked to be sure it wasn't a crime being committed, it wasn't.  It was just us, thinking we could actually live like regular human beings.  I just don't know where else to cut back.

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