Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fitness: Third Time's a Charm

This morning I stepped on the scale and was greeted by a very disturbing 202.2 lbs on the readout.  What's going on here?  I'll tell you.  I had a week of binging on cookies, pie, soda, sweet tea and stress.  My wonderful dream of being 15 pounds lighter by the end of the month seems to be slipping through my hands with every fault being mine.

I have been walking and using the plan, but there is no way a measly 2+ miles at 2 mph. is going to combat what I ate last week.  I've recommitted to the plan and hope the last two weeks of the month will be good ones.  I did walk up hill for an hour last night so in truth I could add 50% to my calories burned.  It was challenging and satisfying enough without killing myself that I will probably stick to the uphill climb from here on out.

I need to get back out on my bike riding of thirty miles a week.  It's just so time consuming and gas is so expensive for me to drive to what feels like a safe place to ride.  I'm positively phobic about being attached, raped, mugged or abducted while I am riding or running.  I make mental note of cars that pass me and if they keep on driving.  If I pass someone walking/running I will give them a very wide berth, look for nearby verhicles, speak to them, and make sure to look them directly in the eye.  (This is supposed to intimidate a perpetrator.  I don't know if it works.)  Finding some place nearby would be so much better, but I live in a portion of my subdivision that is divided by several groves and a very busy highway.  I'll figure it out if I want to succeed.

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