Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Need a "Go To" Outfit

Yesterday I was invited to have lunch today with some people that could help my career.  Sounds a little cliche, I know.  However, it's the truth.  It was a "friend of a friend" situation.  The invitation was thrown out there.  "Why don't you meet us for lunch?  I'll introduce you around."

It sounded so exciting when I accepted and then I realized I have some very nice clothes for performing and for stage, but I've got nothing for casual network lunches.  I went to a few outlet type stores yesterday afternoon and found nothing.  I didn't want to drop $150 bucks on something that may or may not pan out, so I curbed my desire to go to the mall.  It did teach me I need a GO TO outfit or two for casual.  My casual wardrobe consists of some extremely unflattering Bermuda shorts and some shirts that only match because they are the same color.

I've got some casual sandals that are really beginning to show wear.  I'm thinking a skirt, some longer shorts and some shirts.  Some nicer than "for the beach" sandals would be great.  So for today, I'm going to wear jeans and a little pink pull over shirt with some nice details and pink sandals.  I don't like the idea of wearing jeans, but it's really all I have.

I wish I looked better in jeans, even more, I wish I felt more comfortable wearing jeans.  I guess I wore so many skirts and dresses as a youngster I feel more comfortable in them.

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