Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back to the Treadmill

I'm back on the treadmill and I've decided that this year my goal will be four miles.  Seems a little goofy knowing that my goal last year was three miles and I didn't make it.

Here's the difference.  I realize my failure in that I kept trying to peak.  I pushed myself and when I could perform, I got discouraged and gave up.  I've pretty much gone back tot he drawing board again and set the goals and try to stick with them.  The idea that "At least I'm doing something" isn't goin to work with me anymore.  I'm going to run four miles and I'm not going to take year to do it.  I am doing four miles (two at incline and two flat) in 100 minutes.  I realize that is super slow, but I want to go faster and faster little bits at a time.

If I did the math correctly I should be doing four miles in an hour in about 7 weeks.  I am also going to be doing the P90X alternately until my stamina for running improves.  I know the program prescribes everyday, but again, I will be fighting a psychological battle as well as a physical battle.

Wish me luck!

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