Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fitness: Warrior Dash II and the P90X

I has been a year since I ran my first obstacle course race.  I've tried sporadically throughout the year to land on a fitness regime that would work for me.  So here I am a year later almost at the same place I was a year ago.  I ran on Wendesday with a friend.  She is thin and younger than me, but a good friend seems to want me to succeed.

The choices I've stuck to the best have been bicycling, running and P90X.  Although I only made it a few weeks into the P90X, I could definitely see an almost instant improvement in my posture, balance and--of all things--my feet.  I am flat-footed.  I have some problems held over from a birth defect that make me incrdebly pigeon toed or duck toed.  I never know which it is.

My feet are just more comfortable splayed out.  When I started doing P90X I almost immeditely saw a change in my feet.  The new muscles began to pull my feet in and the arches up.  Is that possible.  I don't know.  Maybe that is the first thing I will ask someone that would know.  After the race I am going back to the P90X.  For now, I will alternate between the days I run and the P90X because running still takes so much out of me.  For that someday when I can run three miles and not crawl to the front door the next morning, I will start doing P90X and running on the same days.

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