Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Warrior Dash II -- Perfect Pull Ups and Push Ups

Well, the Warrior Dash is behind me.  I enjoyed myself much more this year.  The pressure of the unknown is over.  I was able to do many of the obstacles just because I already had.  There were some new obstacles.  I especially like the floating one!  I came so close to giving up.  I just hung onto the rope to see what others were doing, and when I picked my strategy I hauled myself up  and made it out and over the other side!  I specifically needed this today because I've been so negative about the rest of  my life.

I am looking forward to the day I do all the obstacles.

The only ones I can't make are the walls.  This tells me I need to work on my upper body.  My husband bought me the Perfect Pull Up about a month ago.  I've been using it and probably would not have been able to get out of the water had I not been.  I am going back to P90X on Monday--once I am recovered from the race.  I hope to do something in March.

The girls that I've managed to team up with are war horses.  They are going to do the Metro Dash in March.  They have not invited me, and I have not invited myself.  I want to take what is left of January and February to really work on my upper body strength.  If it is not to late, I will decide then and offer myself as a team member.

Over all, it was a good day.  A lot of sand that was very difficult to run in, but I strove to do my best an "forget the rest".  I actually injured myself somewhere along the way and I'm not sure how.  I didn't know I'd broken the skin until I got in the water and it started to sting like crazy.  I looked down and saw a small amount of blood.  Best I can recollect it was when I slid through the ladder going down off the cargo ropes.  Good times.

There is also a general 5k in March another friend of mine is doing.  She runs regularly, however, and I don't see her being as kind as the women I am running with now.  She would probably leave when she was done and its still pretty hard to do one of these things without a cheer squad waiting at the end.  That's one thing I never thought was important until I have it now and realize that know they are there and watching makes me try harder.

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