Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why Did I Go Back?

After 18 years as an aunt, 22 years being a mom,  23 years being a wife and almost 45 years as a dutiful daughter and sister, the decision to return to college was simple for me.  I was ready for a change, a new chapter.

I don't know how well I masked it, but I was defensive the night I asked my husband if I could go back.  I didn't want to ask his permission.  If he'd said no, I probably would have gone anyway.  Maybe he somehow sensed that that's the place I was in. I told him I'd been to the local community college to see what I needed to complete my A.A.  I had a lot of junk credits, but at the same time, I had a good foundation.  I needed three full-time semesters.  At that point I would transfer to a four year university online or in a neighboring city.

We rode home from the Dairy Queen I'd insisted we talk at pretty much in silence.  He hadn't asked me why.  I wasn't surprised.  He never asked for anything more than the surface.  I wanted to go back to school.  That was enough for him.  I knew him well enough, so I never offered anything more.  I finished my Blizzard and that was the end of the discussion until we were about five minutes from home, then he asked me why.  I told him I was finished waiting for money to fall out of the sky.  I became agitated.  I told him I was looking for respect.  I was tired of being disrespected.

That's what came out.  I was looking for respect.  Is that really what I was looking for?  I don't know.  On a good day, I still don't know.  All I knew was that among many other strong feelings, I was angry.  I was angry at him and angry at our situation.  I was tired of taking junk jobs to "take up the slack".  I was tired of scheduling my life around everyone else's.  I felt misunderstood, undervalued and I'd had enough.  Although I didn't say it, maybe that's what I was looking for.  To be truly valued and understood.

He said a college degree would not give me respect and that was pretty much the end of that.

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