Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Back To School: Basic Applied Calculus

I haven't written a back to school entry in about two months.  That C++ class was pretty traumatic.  I'm two weeks into what is being called Basic Applied Calculus.  To me, it's like a purgatory between Pre-Calculus, Statistics and Calculus I.

I wasn't supposed to need any more maths.  I was supposed to be done, but my Academic Advisor informed me I needed this particular class as a pre-req.  That's not how I understood it when I decided to drop Calculus I at the community college.  If I'd know this class was waiting just around the corner for me, I think I would have kept the one at the community college.

So far it's going OK.  I've made two 100s but they don't seem earned.  The concepts were nothing more than a freakish blend of College Algebra, Pre-Calculus and Elementary Statistics.  This week was a little tougher.  The first assignment I turned in kind of knowing it probably wasn't right, I just didn't know what else to do.  Well, turns out it wasn't even close to what the isntructor wanted.

That has been one of my biggest problems from day one.  Figuring out what the instructor wants and customizing it to the assignment.  In this class, sometimes we can make up our own statistics and sometimes we can't.  Sometimes they don't want an actual answer and sometimes there's a number out there we're just supposed to know.  It's frustrating, but I'll figure it out.

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