Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day Three and Already Behind Goals

This is not good.  I was supposed to run .2 miles tonight.  I had to hold on to do .1 miles.  Walked for a warm up about 5 minutes then struggled through .1 miles.  I'm scared.  I know I have four months, but I've been inactive for SIX.  This is not looking good.  Not time to go over to the gym.  Late students.  Did OK nutrition wise.  Had salmon for breakfast, a blueberry meal bar for a snack, potato soup and some meat for lunch and two slices of meat for a late snack.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Sat on the Couch

Oh. My. Goodness.  I am not motivated the way I need to be.  Did not go over to check out the gym.  I let myself sit on the couch.  I ate a cinnamon roll as soon as I walked in the door from work.  Tomorrow is a run day.  Not mentally prepared for this.  What do I do?


Have to keep telling myself over and over.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Farther to Go

I made up a "schedule" for running.  Started today with .1 miles at 5 miles per hour.  Should have been able to make it one tenth of a mile, right?


Holy smokes I'm out of shape.  It been almost six months since I did anything and I felt it on the treadmill today.  I suppose I could explain part of it away with the knowledge that I want to run at five miles an hour, but my rear end felt stapled to the treadmill.

I've got much farther to go than I originally thought, so I may be rethinking the schedule.

I did one squat with the 20 pound medicine ball and 17 incline push ups.  This is going to be a tough road.

Did I mention I took a ride over to Anytime Fitness only to discover that staff is only present 10 - 7 Monday through Friday and 10 - 12 on Saturday.  I chose Sunday to go over and discovered the doors are locked an there is no one to show me around.  Perhaps tomorrow will be a good day to go over.

117 Days to Go and What MUST Go

A step on the scale after a few months has been quite depressing, but it's time to establish a baseline:

184.7 pounds

Yuck, yuck, and double yuck.  20 pounds gained.  I'd like to re-lose that 20 pounds and maybe lose another 10.  The race is "4 to 5" miles, so I am going to plan on an 8K scenario.

I lost 50 pounds and felt so good.  Then for some weird reason my skin just went limp.  It was like my skin was falling off my body.  I didn't feel perky, I felt flappy and flubbery.  In May I had gained back 10 pounds and hoped it was more muscles from working out for the Gator Tuff Mud Run, now I'm not sure where the other10 have come from.  Headed over to Anytime Fitness and wondering if I can afford a trainer for the months building up to the run.

Contacted my friend about signing up for the race and she has offered to pay my entry fee.  Woo Hoo!  Now I feel especially motivated.  She has faith in me, so I must have faith in me.

Things to Address:

Time management for workouts
Diet and Nutrition
Bad Periods and Moods

New mantra:


Saturday, November 22, 2014

118 Days to Dirty Foot

I decided to take a few days to get some misbehaving out of my system.  I went out for dinner last night.  Drank too much, ate too much, and sort of paid the price this morning.  Looking a little rough, but by Sunday, I will be planning the next 117 days.  Haven't made it to Anytime Fitness.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Ceremonious Decisions

Well, it's the 21st of November.  Exactly four months until the race.  I've decided to do the run and re-lose some weight I've gained.  I've going to jump in with both feet and join a gym as well.  The one I wanted to go back to is just not an option.  They are too far away with my new schedule the way it is, I would be spending just as much time driving as I would be at the gym, so the big decision is to join Anytime Fitness.  They are close enough, if I didn't want to drive I could actually ride my bike, but that will probably not happen because I will be finishing up after dark this time of year.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Kickoff of a Different Sort

It's time to consider another run.  I broke my toes back in September.  They seem to be getting better, but still ache after a long day on them at work.  I've had some set backs.  A lot of head stuff and physical stuff.

TMI Alert:

Bad periods.
Bad moods.
Shoulder pain.
Back pain.
No motivation.
Relationship C-R-A-P
Can't manage my time.
Can't stay organized.

Anyway, I saw my friend that usually runs these things with me and out of the blue she mentioned the Dirty Foot Mud Run.  I had been thinking about this event since it showed up on my facebook page.  I even messaged my son wanting to do the run, but didn't want to hold her back.  Then here, like I said, out of the blue, she asked me if I wanted to go.  I told her I wanted to take some time to pay attention to my toes, but I was definitely interested.  Now to pay attention to all my aches and pains. 

Friday, September 5, 2014


I've begun to figure something out about my husband.  His family is gross.  He doesn't care about gross.  Grossity gross gross.  Not that openly disgusting, but subtly gross stuff.  His mom and dad, not so much, but there was always this subtle nastiness about their house.  The house was neat, picked up and maintained, but it just seemed dirty almost unsanitary.  His two sisters seem to have a big problem keeping their house clean.  Like his parents, she cleans the house, but it still has this overwhelming sense of "I was a super skanky house before you got here" kind of atmosphere.  I don't know, is it possible to be clean and dirty at the same time?  The other sister doesn't clean her house at all.  The stories I could tell!  So I experimented with our bathroom these last few months and didn't clean it.  It's driving me crazy, but I wondered what he'd do.  Would he notice the sludge that is building in the bathroom and the layer of pubic hair in piles around the edge of the room?  He brushes his teeth and spits all over the place.  It builds up all over the faucet.  The hairs from his beard are everywhere.  I said something to him the other day about just those two things, he waited until I got a drop of clear water on the faucet and pointed it out to me.  That made me crazy mad.  I wanted to kill him right there.  So, I started wiping the sink (and mirror) to be sure I didn't leave a mess.  He continues to skank up everything.