Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Logged In 20 miles and P90X

Last week was a good week for the treadmill.  As my title shows, I got in 20 miles.  5 days, four miles each.  I was going to do some uphill stuff, but it was just wearing me out too much to do anything the rest of the day.  I know with time I would have gotten accustomed to it and would have benefitted much more from the challenge, however, I need the emotional triumps almost as much as I need the physical triump, so I adjusted the treadmill to level and did four miles three more time.

I also did disc 1 of the P90X and the Ab Ripper X on Tuesday and a nother Ab Ripper on Thursday.  I started into the first 15 minutes of Disc 2.  Plyometrics are tough for me.  I wanted to power through them, but felt week and sore from doing too much on the treadmill.  I decided to put them off for Friday and as I could have predicted the days slipped away and now it is time to start a new week.  I feel good about last week's performance on the treadmill, just working through disappointment at not being able to do very much of the Plyometrics.

These are so awesome.  See the little knobs?  Those adjust the
weights that you pick up when you pick them up.  The numbers
are too small to see in this picture, but they are 5, 10, 15, 20
and 25 pounds.  This created a great workout.
For Disc 1 I used my new dumbbells.  Did I already mention I bought some Gold's Gym Space Saver  25 singles?  I love these weights.  I had some "girly" dumbells at 3, 5 and 8 pounds that were just not heavy enough.  I didn't get a good challenge out of them.  I am a new convert to "free" weights.  I've worked out on a circuit trainer for years and never saw some of the disadvantages.  Now I'm not slamming a circuit trainer because something is better than nothing, but free weights are definitley where it's at for a wholistic training session.

The balancing muscles don't get used when you are pulling or pushing stable weights.  When you sit or lean against something, you are actually almost doing yourself a disservice.  However, something is always better than nothing.

So that's where I was at and going into this week.  I'm going to try to stick to the 20 miles and try to get through the Plyometrics video.  I love P90X.  I hope I can do it someday.

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