Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Another 20 miles

I was able to put another 20 miles on the treadmill this week.  I feel good about this plan.  I have not done the P90X this week, but hope to resume at least the upper body discs on my off days from the treadmill.  I was only able to do the Ab Ripper one time this week.

My best time this week was four miles in 62:44.  One of my big goals for the next few months is to get that time down to 60:00.  I am adding some tenths of a mile in my "cool down" in hopes of working up a little toward five miles a day.  I am setting a personal goal of a 10K by this time next year.  I want to surprise my tiny little friend, so I'm not saying much to her until I get closer to the 6.2 miles.

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